File #: 990375    Version: 0 Name: PC 99-29: Text Amendments (Ordinance on Second Reading)
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 7/13/1999 In control: Plan Commission
On agenda: 8/19/1999 Final action: 9/2/1999
Attachments: 1. Ordinance 4693 Text Amendment Building height in the B4 Dist







(PC 99-29)


                                          WHEREAS, the Village of Lombard maintains a Zoning Ordinance which is found in Title 15, Chapter 155 of the Code of Lombard, Illinois; and,


                                          WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees deem it reasonable to periodically review said Zoning Ordinance and make necessary changes; and,


                                          WHEREAS, a public hearing to consider a text amendment of the Zoning Ordinance has been conducted by the Village of Lombard the Plan Commission on July 19, 1999, pursuant to appropriate and legal notice; and,


                                          WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has filed its recommendations with the President and Board of Trustees recommending approval of the text amendments described herein; and,


                                          WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees approve and adopt the findings and recommendations of the Plan Commission and incorporate such findings and recommendations herein by reference as if they were fully set forth herein.




                                          Section 1:  That Title 15, Chapter 155, Section 155.415.C of the Code of Lombard, Illinois is amended to read in its entirety as follows:


C.                     Conditional Uses


Subject to the provisions of  Section 155.103 (F) of this Ordinance, the following conditional uses may be allowed:


1.                     Amusement establishments, outdoor, including:  archery ranges, shooting galleries, miniature golf facilities,  and other similar outdoor amusement facilities


2.                     Amusement parks, including:  permanent carnivals, kiddie parks, golf driving ranges, pitch and putt, miniature golf courses, and other similar outdoor amusement facilities


3.                     Animal hospitals and kennels


4.                     Automobile repair


5.                     Automobile service


6.                     Boat showrooms, sales and repairs


7.                     Building material and products sales and storage


8.                     Contractor construction offices, shops, and yards


9.                     Drive-through and drive-in establishments/services


10.                     Dwelling Units, located above the first floor, where all the requirements of Section 155.412(B)(1) of this Code are not met.


11.                     Gasoline sales


12.                     Machinery sales


13.                     Mobile homes sales


14.                     Model homes and garage displays


15.                     Motor vehicle sales


16.                     Off-site parking, in conformance with Section 155.602 (A) (3) (b) of this Ordinance


17.                     Outside display and sales of products the sale of which is a permitted or conditional use in this district


18.                     Outside service areas for other permitted or conditional uses in this district


19.                     Physical culture and massage establishments (as defined and regulated by Chapter 12, Section 122 of the Code of Ordinances)


20.                     Planned developments in conformance with Section 155.500 of this Ordinance


21.                     Psychics, ESP Readers, and fortune tellers


22.                     Public utility and service uses


23.                     Restaurants which include entertainment, dancing, and/or amusement devices


24.                     Stadiums, auditoriums, and arenas--open or enclosed


25.                     Theaters, drive-in


26.                     Trailer and camper trailer sales and rental for use with private passenger motor vehicles


27.                     Four (4) story buildings and buildings which are forty feet (40') to forty-five feet (45') in height.


28.                     Accessory uses and buildings, incidental to and on the same zoning lot as the conditional use, which are constructed and operated in conformance with Section 155.210 of this Ordinance


                                          Section 2:  That Title 15, Chapter 155, Section 155.415.G of the Code of Lombard, Illinois is amended to read in its entirety as follows:


G.                     Maximum Building Height


The height of any building in this district shall not exceed three (3) stories or forty feet (40'), whichever is less., except that buildings may be allowed to be four (4) stories or forty-five feet (45'), whichever is less, as a conditional use.


                                          Section 3:  That Title 15, Chapter 155, Section 155.417.C of the Code of Lombard, Illinois is amended to read in its entirety as follows:



C. Conditional Uses


Subject to the provisions of Section 155.103 (F) in this Ordinance, the following conditional uses may be allowed:


1.                     Adult uses (including but not limited to adult book stores, adult cabarets, adult theaters, and adult video stores) subject to the adult use:


a.                     not being located within 500 feet of a zoning district which permits (or allows as a conditional use) residential development, educational or religious institutions, parks, or playgrounds;


b.                     not being located within 1,000 feet of another adult use (distances to be measured from property lines);


c.                     being conducted in a manner that prohibits the observation of any material depicting, describing or relating to any specified sexual activities or specified anatomical areas by display, decorations, sign, show window or other opening from any public way.


2.                     Automobile repair


3.                     Automotive service


4.                     Banks


5.                     Building material sales and storage


6.                     Cartage and express facilities  


7.                     Catering Services


8.                     Compost collection facility


9.                     Concrete and cast stone fabrication and molding


10.                     Contractors, architects, and engineers equipment and material storage yards


11.                     Cosmetics production


12.                     Dairy products processing or manufacture


13.                     Food manufacture, packaging, and processing


14.                     Gasoline sales


15.                     Glass products production


16.                     Heliports, private or commercial


17.                     Medical and Dental Clinics


18.                     Metal Plating, Forging, or Casting


19.                     Off-site parking, conforming to  Section 155.602 (A) (3) (b) of this Ordinance


20.                     Paper products manufacture


21.                     Parks and playgrounds


22.                     Planned developments in conformance with Section 155.500 of this Ordinance


23.                     Plastic extruding


24.                     Recreation buildings or community centers


25.                     Recycling collection centers


26.                     Restaurants


27.                     Soap manufacture


28.                     Stadiums, auditoriums, and arenas - open or enclosed


29.                     Outside Storage of Motor Vehicles


30.                     Trade school


31.                     Other manufacturing, processing, storage, or industrial uses as determined by the Director of Community Development to be of the same general character as the uses permitted in Subsection 155.418(C), above, and found not to be obnoxious, unhealthful, or offensive by reason of the potential emission or transmission of noise, vibration, smoke, dust, toxic or noxious matter or glare or heat


32. Four (4) story buildings within one hundred feet (100') of residentially-zoned property or a minor or major arterial street and buildings which are forty feet (40') to forty-five feet (45') in height and which are within one hundred feet (100') of a residentially-zoned property or a minor or major arterial street. 


33.                     Accessory uses and buildings incidental to and on the same zoning lot as the conditional use, which are constructed and operated in conformance with  Section 155.210 of this Ordinance


                                          Section 3:  That Title 15, Chapter 155, Section 155.417.G of the Code of Lombard, Illinois is amended to read in its entirety as follows:


G.                     Maximum Building Height


The height of any building in this district which is within one hundred feet (100') of a residentially-zoned property or a minor or major arterial street shall not exceed three (3) stories or forty feet (40'), whichever is less, except that such buildings may be allowed to be four (4) stories or forty-five feet (45'), whichever is less, as a conditional use.  The height of any building in this district which is not within one hundred feet (100') of a residentially-zoned property or a minor or major arterial street shall not exceed four (4) stories or forty-five feet (45'), whichever is less.


                                          Section 4:  That Title 15, Chapter 155, Section 155.416.C of the Code of Lombard, Illinois is amended to read in its entirety as follows:


C.                     Conditional Uses


Subject to the provisions of Section 155.103 (F) of this Ordinance, the following conditional uses may be allowed:


1.                     Amusement establishments, indoor only, including bowling alleys, pool halls, swimming pools, and skating rinks.


2.                     Animal hospitals and kennels


3.                     Automobile service


4.                     Catering businesses on the first floor as a primary use but only if, as an accessory use, either a restaurant, excluding entertainment and dancing, or a related, permitted retail use, designed to generate walk-in trade, is located in the storefront.


5.                     Convention and exhibition halls


6.                     Farmer's Market


7.                     Funeral homes


8.                     Gasoline sales


9.                     Off-site parking, in conformance with Section 155.602 (A) (3) (b) of this Ordinance


10.                     Outside display and sales of products the sale of which is a permitted or conditional use in this district


11.                     Outside service areas for other permitted or conditional uses in this district


12.                     Parking lots or structures, commercial


13.                     Planned developments in conformance with Section 155.500 of this Ordinance


14.                     Public utilities and services


15.                     Religious institutions, as defined in the R1 District


16.                     Television and radio recording studios


17.                     Transportation depots


18.                     Accessory uses and buildings, incidental to and on the same zoning lot as the conditional use, which are constructed and operated in conformance with Section 155.210 of this Ordinance


                                          Section 5:  That Title 15, Chapter 155, Section 155.602.A.2 of the Code of Lombard, Illinois is amended to read in its entirety as follows:


2.                     Central Area Parking Regulations


In the B5 Central Business District, the Village desires to minimize disruptive curb cuts and driveways, and to encourage the consolidation of parking spaces in appropriate locations.  Therefore, off-street parking in the B5 Central Business District shall be provided as follows:


a. For the construction of new buildings, fifty percent (50%) of the number of off-street parking spaces indicated in Table 6.3 below shall be provided for non-residential uses, and one hundred percent (100%) of the number of off-street parking spaces indicated in Table 6.3 below shall be provided for residential uses, with a minimum of three (3) parking spaces per lot-of-record.


b.                     Parking shall be provided to the side or rear of the building and shall be a minimum of five feet (5') from the right-of-way.


                                          Section 6:  That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage and approval as provided by law.


Passed on first reading this ______day of _______________,1999.


First reading waived by action of the Board of Trustees this


_____day of ____________, 1999.


Passed on second reading this _____day of __________, 1999.








Approved this _____day of ____________, 1999.





                                                                                    William J. Mueller

                                                                                    Village President







Lorraine G. Gerhardt

Village Clerk




Ordinance No. ______

Re:  PC 99-29
