File #: 970087    Version: 0 Name: PC 97-20: 660 E. Butterfield Road (District #3) (Ordinance Attached) (Waiver of First Requested)
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 8/29/1997 In control: Village Board
On agenda: Final action: 3/1/2016
Indexes: Butterfield, conditional use
Attachments: 1. Ordinance 4362 660 E. Butterfield Rd. Conditional Use







(PC 97-20: Northern Baptist Theological Seminary; 660 East Butterfield Road)


                     WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lombard have heretofore adopted the Lombard Zoning Ordinance, otherwise known as Title 15, Chapter 155 of the Lombard Village Code; and,


                     WHEREAS, the subject property is currently zoned O Office District; and,


                     WHEREAS, an application has been filed requesting approval of a Planned Development to provide for the ongoing use of the property described in Section 2 below for professional education, office, conference, religious activities, and other activities related to a religious educational institution hereinafter referred to as the Northern Baptist Theological Seminary; and,


                     WHEREAS, a public hearing on such application for Planned Development approval has been conducted by the Village of Lombard Plan Commission on September 10, 1997, pursuant to appropriate and legal notice; and,


                     WHEREAS, the Plan Commission has filed its recommendations with the President and Board of Trustees recommending approval of the Planned Development  described herein; and


                     WHEREAS, the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Lombard have reviewed the request and find it would be in the best interest of the Village to grant said Planned Development subject to the terms and conditions established by this ordinance, and in accordance with the findings and recommendations of the Plan Commission which are incorporated herein by reference.




                     Section 1:  That a Planned Development is hereby approved for the property described in Section 2 below and pursuant to Sections 501-510 of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance (Title 15, Chapter 155 Section 155.501-155.510 of the Lombard Village Code), to provide for the ongoing use of the property described in Section 2 below for professional education, office, conference, religious activities, and other activities related to a religious educational institution hereinafter referred to as the Northern Baptist Theological Seminary, subject to the conditions set forth in Section 3 hereof.


                     Section 2:  That this ordinance is limited and restricted to the property generally located at 660 East Butterfield Road, Lombard, Illinois and legally described as follows:


That part of Lot 1 in Northern Baptist Theological Seminary Subdivision, being a subdivision of part of the Northeast 1/4 of Section 29, Township 39 North, Range 11, East of the Third Principal Meridian, according to the plat thereof recorded October 4, 1983 as Document R83-71622, described as follows:


Commencing at the Northeast corner of said Section 29;  thence South 89 degrees 57 minutes 16 seconds West along the North line of said Section 29, a distance of 70.00 feet to a point on the Northeast corner of Northern Baptist Theological Seminary Assessment Plat, according to the plat thereof recorded R66-5885, in DuPage County, IL;  thence South 0 degrees, 09 minutes 06 seconds East along the East line of said Northern BaptistTheological Seminary Assessment Plat, a distance of 736.60 feet to an angle point in said East line;  thence South 11 degrees 41 minutes 16 seconds West along the East line of said Northern Baptist Theological Seminary Assessment Plat, passing at 69.66 feet the Northeast corner of Lot 1 in the Northern Baptist Theological Seminary Subdivision and continuing for a total distance of 787.50 feet;  thence North 27 degrees 17 minutes 19 seconds West along the common line between Lot 1 and Lot 2 in said Northern Baptist Theological Seminary Subdivison, a distance of 93.42 feet;  thence South 78 degrees 33 minutes 40 seconds West, along said common line between Lot 1 and Lot 2, a distance of 173.39 feet;  thence South 0 degrees 03 minutes 28 seconds West, along said common line between Lot 1 and Lot 2, a distance of 186.00 feet;  thence South 62 degrees 55 minutes 32 seconds West along said common line between Lot 1 and Lot 2, a distance of 107.50 feet;  thence South 69 degrees 13 minutes 32 seconds West along said common line between Lot 1 and Lot 2, a distance of 67.43 feet to the point of beginning;  thence continuing South 69 degrees 13 minutes 32 seconds West, along said common line between Lot 1 and Lot 2, a distance of 167.57 feet;  thence North 27 degrees 17 minutes 19 seconds West, along said common line between Lot 1 and Lot 2, a distance of 120.50 feet;  thence North 62 degrees 55 minutes 32 seconds East, a distance of 167.01 feet;  thence South 27 degrees 04 minutes 28 seconds East, a distance of 138.89 feet to the point of beginning, in DuPage County, IL.


Parcel No. 06-29-200-045


                     Section 3:  That the aforementioned Planned Development approval is subject to the following terms and conditions:


A.  CAMPUS MASTER PLAN:  Future development of the subject property and the location of all uses listed below shall generally comply with the Campus Master Plan attached hereto as Exhibit A.


B.  PERMITTED USES:  The uses listed below shall be permitted on the subject property.  The location of uses shall generally comply with the Campus Master Plan referenced above.  All such uses shall be subject to Village of Lombard regulations for Certificates of Occupancy but shall not require issuance of business licenses, conditional use approvals, or Planned Development amendments.


1.  Post-secondary Education including:


a.  Graduate Theological programs leading to a degree for the preparation of individuals to serve as pastors of churches, educators, missionaries, and chaplains in the military and in healthcare and penal institutions.


b.  Undergraduate educational programs leading to associate or bachelors degrees;


c.  Professional and educational programs other than theological education;


d.  Educational training programs.


2.  Administration and Support Services related to other listed uses including:


a.  Business and management offices;


b.  Receiving, storage, and distribution functions;


c.  Physical plant operations and maintenance functions;


d. Common use facilities providing meeting, study, lounge,      recreation, seminar, and conference spaces;


E.  Library services for the Seminary community and other surrounding areas with interest in theological education.


3.  Student Activities and Special Events related to a Religious Educational Institution including:


a.  Indoor and outdoor concerts, lectures, dramatic presentations, celebrations, art shows, church picnics, worship activities and other social events- including the use of temporary tents or exhibit structures;


b.  Day care center and children's playground;


c.  Indoor and/or outdoor community service events - fund-raisers including; blood drives, food drives, clothing drives and meal events;


d.  Support services for student activities and special events - including parking and traffic control, security, toilet facilities, trash handling, and light and sound systems and structures.


4.  Housing and Recreation for Students, Faculty, Staff, and Guests including:


a.  Single-family homes occupied by a maximum of two unrelated adults per bedroom for each residence (e.g. a two bedroom house may be occupied by a maximum of 4 unrelated adults);


b.  Multiple occupancy dormitories and apartments  - including studio units and one, two, and three bedroom units in low-rise and/or medium rise structures with the exception being an existing eighty-six (86) unit, seven (7) story building;


c.  Dwelling units for guests and visitors;


d.  Common-use facilities providing meeting, study, lounge, and recreation spaces;


e.  Shared exterior recreational and gardening areas.


f.  Residential Life Care for senior citizens


5.  Those uses permitted within the O Office District (Section 155.411-B of the Lombard Village Code).


C. BULK STANDARDS:  All buildings, structures, and improvements shall comply with the following standards:


1.  Non-Residential Areas:  All non-residential improvements and development within this Planned Development shall comply with the standards of the O Office District unless specifically modified by this ordinance.


2.  Residential Areas:  The areas developed for residential uses shall comply with the standards of the R4 Limited General Residence District of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance including but not limited to standards for density, building setbacks and heights, transitional yards, and landscaping unless specifically modified by this ordinance.


3.  Existing Development:  All existing, non-conforming development shall be permitted to remain.


4.  Off-Street Parking:  The number of off-street parking spaces shall comply with the Lombard Village Code unless it can be demonstrated that the total amount of on-campus parking is sufficient to preclude the use of peripheral public streets or properties for campus related parking, subject to the review and approval of the Director of Community Development.



D.  AMENDMENTS:  This Planned Development Ordinance may be amended in compliance with the following procedures:


1.  Procedures for requesting amendments shall comply with Section 155.103-F of the Lombard Village Code.


2.  The Northern Baptist Theological Seminary must amend this ordinance to add any other uses not indicated within this document.


E.  DEVELOPMENT APPROVALS:  All future development and land uses shall be subject to the terms and conditions of this ordinance and the review and approval of the Village of Lombard Department of Community Development.  Approvals from the Lombard Plan Commission or Lombard Board of Trustees shall not be required unless the development or land use does not comply with the terms of this ordinance.

F.  SECONDARY ACCESS:  At the time the Bethany Seminary property redevelops, and/or at the time the existing secondary access point is removed, Northern Baptist Theological Seminary shall make its best effort to provide a secondary access point.


                     Section 4:  That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage, approval, and publication in pamphlet form as provided by law.


Passed on first reading this ______ day of ______________, 1997.


First reading waived by action of the Board of Trustees this _____ day of

_________ 1997.


Passed on second reading this____day of ________________, 1997.








Approved this _______, day of _____________________, 1997.





                                                                                                         William J. Mueller, Village President







Lorraine G. Gerhardt, Village Clerk




Ordinance No. _______

Re:  PC 97-20

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