PC 23-21: 717 E. Butterfield Road - Chick-fil-A drive-through modification and canopy
The Plan Commission submits its recommendation to approve the following action on the subject property located within the OPD Office District Planned Development (Homestead Village Planned Development):
1. Pursuant to Section 155.504 (A) (major changes in a planned development) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance, amend the Homestead Village Planned Development, as established by Ordinance No. 4497, and amended by Ordinance Nos. 6616 and 6672, to approve the following:
a. A modification to the use exception for a drive-through restaurant, established by Ordinance No. 6616 and amended by Ordinance No. 6672; and
b. A deviation from Section 155.210(C)(2)(a) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance to allow a freestanding canopy with a setback of eight (8) feet from the east property line, where a minimum setback of ten (10) feet is required. (DISTRICT #3)