File #: 240187    Version: 1 Name: 641 North Main Street Drainage Basin Construction Contract
Type: Bid Status: Passed
File created: 5/23/2024 In control: Village Board of Trustees
On agenda: Final action: 7/18/2024
Title: 641 North Main Street Drainage Basin Construction Contract Award of a contract to Lima Contractors, Inc. of Ringwood, Illinois, the lowest responsible bidder of fourteen (14) bids received, in the amount of $1,296,611.50 for construction of the 641 North Main Street Drainage Basin. (DISTRICT #4)
Attachments: 1. 240187 Board Meeting Attachment 7.18.24, 2. Lima Contractors Inc 641 N Main St Drainage Basin Construction Contract, 3. Cover Page 240187


641 North Main Street Drainage Basin Construction Contract

Award of a contract to Lima Contractors, Inc. of Ringwood, Illinois, the lowest responsible bidder of fourteen (14) bids received, in the amount of $1,296,611.50 for construction of the 641 North Main Street Drainage Basin. (DISTRICT #4)


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