File #: 240168    Version: Name:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 5/7/2024 In control: Village Board of Trustees
On agenda: Final action: 7/18/2024
Title: PC 24-06: 855 E. Roosevelt Road - Creekview Plaza The Plan Commission submits its recommendation to approve the following action on the subject property located within the B4A Roosevelt Road Corridor District, to provide for the construction of a new principal building: 1. Amend the approvals previously requested through Plan Commission petition PC 22-05, and granted by Ordinance No. 8077, as follows: a. Preservation of the existing conditional use under Ordinance No. 8077, under Sections 155.103(F) and 155.417(G)(2)(a)(vii) of the Zoning Ordinance to allow a second-floor restaurant and banquet, including entertainment and dancing when conducted as part of the restaurant and banquet operations and secondary to the principal use subject to the conditions numbered 2, 3, 7, 10, and 11 (dining and banquet limit of 156) set forth in Section 14 of said ordinance. b. A new conditional use under Sections 155.103(F) and 155.417(G)(2)(b)(iv) of the Zoning Ordinance to allow for a drive-through f...
Attachments: 1. 240168_PC 24-06_855 E. Roosevelt Road.pdf, 2. 240168_PC 24-06_Site Plan D.pdf, 3. 002 LEGAL DESCRIPTION.pdf, 4. 003 LAST DEED.pdf, 5. 004 TITLE POL PTC21-17070 OP.pdf, 6. 005 TAX RECEIPT AND BILL BREAKDOWN.pdf, 7. 006 DISCLOSURE AND AUTHORIZATION.pdf, 8. 007 REIMBURSEMENT.pdf, 9. 008S 21-22354-REV 5.pdf, 10. 009 2023 DUPAGE AERIAL PHOTO.pdf, 11. 010 2024-04-24_21055_Site Plan D.pdf, 12. 011 2024-04-24_21055_L-1.pdf, 13. 012 2024-04-24_21055_L-2.pdf, 14. 013 2024-04-24_21055_L-3.pdf, 15. 014 2024-04-24_21055_L-4.pdf, 16. 015 2024-04-24_21055_Photometric Plan.pdf, 17. 016 2024-04-29_21055_Preliminary Engineering Plan.pdf, 18. 017S A6.0_Building Elevations.pdf, 19. 018S A6.1_Building Elevations.pdf, 20. 019 A1.0 Site Details.pdf, 21. 020 A3.0_Main Floor Plan.pdf, 22. 021 A3.1_2nd Floor Plan.pdf, 23. 022 B4A ROOSEVELT ROAD CORRIDOR DISTRICT TABLE OF COMPLIANCE.pdf, 24. 022 B4A ROOSEVELT ROAD CORRIDOR DISTRICT TABLE OF COMPLIANCE.pdf, 25. 023 PARKING CALCS.pdf, 26. 023 PARKING CALCS.pdf, 27. 024 SIGN TABLE.pdf, 28. 024 SIGN TABLE.pdf, 29. 025 ITEMIZATION OF RELIEF.pdf, 30. 025 ITEMIZATION OF RELIEF.pdf, 31. 026 PROJECT NARRATIVE.pdf, 32. 026 PROJECT NARRATIVE.pdf, 33. 029 22-009 LUOreport.pdf, 34. 032S 22354-24 RESUB-SHT 1.pdf, 35. 033S 22354-24 RESUB-SHT 2.pdf, 36. 034 SUNSET TERRACE RENDERING-4.pdf, 37. 039 SUNSET TERRACE RENDERING-1.pdf, 38. BOARD MEETING 6-20-24 1 of 9 240168 PC 24-06 855 E Roosevelt Road - Creekview Plaza.pdf, 39. BOARD MEETING 6-20-24 2 of 9 240168 PC 24-06 855 E Roosevelt Road - Creekview Plaza.pdf, 40. BOARD MEETING 6-20-24 3 of 9 240168 PC 24-06 855 E Roosevelt Road - Creekview Plaza.pdf, 41. BOARD MEETING 6-20-24 4 of 9 240168 PC 24-06 855 E Roosevelt Road - Creekview Plaza.pdf, 42. BOARD MEETING 6-20-24 5 of 9 240168 PC 24-06 855 E Roosevelt Road - Creekview Plaza.pdf, 43. BOARD MEETING 6-20-24 6 of 9 240168 PC 24-06 855 E Roosevelt Road - Creekview Plaza.pdf, 44. BOARD MEETING 6-20-24 7 of 9 240168 PC 24-06 855 E Roosevelt Road - Creekview Plaza.pdf, 45. BOARD MEETING 6-20-24 8 of 9 240168 PC 24-06 855 E Roosevelt Road - Creekview Plaza.pdf, 46. BOARD MEETING 6-20-24 9 of 9 240168 PC 24-06 855 E Roosevelt Road - Creekview Plaza.pdf, 47. creekview plaza PC 24-06 Powerpoint 06202024, 48. BOARD MEETING 7-18-24 240168 PC 24-06 855 E Roosevelt Road - Revised Ordinance.pdf, 49. Ordinance 8276 PC 24-06 855 E. Roosevelt Road - Creekview Plaza, 50. Ordinance 8276 Recorded, 51. Cover Page Second 240168, 52. Cover Page 240168
PC 24-06: 855 E. Roosevelt Road - Creekview Plaza
The Plan Commission submits its recommendation to approve the following action on the subject property located within the B4A Roosevelt Road Corridor District, to provide for the construction of a new principal building:
1. Amend the approvals previously requested through Plan Commission petition PC 22-05, and granted by Ordinance No. 8077, as follows:
a. Preservation of the existing conditional use under Ordinance No. 8077, under Sections 155.103(F) and 155.417(G)(2)(a)(vii) of the Zoning Ordinance to allow a second-floor restaurant and banquet, including entertainment and dancing when conducted as part of the restaurant and banquet operations and secondary to the principal use subject to the conditions numbered 2, 3, 7, 10, and 11 (dining and banquet limit of 156) set forth in Section 14 of said ordinance.
b. A new conditional use under Sections 155.103(F) and 155.417(G)(2)(b)(iv) of the Zoning Ordinance to allow for a drive-through facility.
c. Elimination of the following conditional uses approved in Ordinance No. 8077 (Secs. 2-3) under Sections 155.103(F), 155.417(G)(2)(c)(vii), and 155.417(G)(l0)(b) of the Zoning Ordinance: (a) a building containing a restaurant as a principal use that will exceed 40 feet in height; and (b) outdoor display and sales on a seasonal or periodic basis in a row of parking or on the rooftop.
d. Preservation of the existing variations under Ordinance No. 8077, under Sections 155.102(B)(3) and 155.103(C)(2)(b), from Sections 155.417(G)(l2), 155.417(G)(l4) and 155.602(A)(10)(d) of the Zoning Ordinance which require parking lot lighting to be directed away from the lot lines and to fall below certain maximum intensities in order to avoid these requirements for lighting adjacent to the access easement serving the subject property and the easterly adjacent property subject to the conditions numbered 2, 3, 7, 10 set forth in Section 14 of said ordinance.
e. Preservation of the exis...

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