PC 21-02: Text Amendment to Chapter 153 of the Lombard Village Code - Sign Ordinance
The Plan Commission submits its recommendation to approve the Village of Lombard's request for a comprehensive text amendment to Chapter 153 of the Lombard Village Code (the Sign Ordinance), and any other relevant sections for clarity:
Said section and subsection amendments, include the following:
1. Section 153.003 - amending type of signs.
2. Section 153.103 - amending the insurance requirements and penalties.
3. Section 153.205 - amending signs not subject to a permit fee.
4. Section 153.206 - amending signs not subject to a permit.
5. Section 153.211 - amending valance language.
6. Section 153.215 - amending where a development sign can be placed.
7. Section 153.227 - adding noncommercial signs as a sign type.
8. Section 153.228 - adding a provision for mixed signs.
9. Section 153.229 - amending where a real estate sign can be placed.
10. Section 153.235 - striking language that identifies sign type.
11. Section 153.237 - striking expired provisions.
12. Section 153.239 and 153.240 - striking sections that are covered in Section 153.211.
13. Section 153.241 - striking language that identifies sign type.
14. Section 153.243 - amending the Section to allow for window signs greater than 20% of a window.
15. Section 153.505 - clarifying that wall signs are per frontage and striking a provision on number of signs that is no longer used.
16. Section 153.601 - amending the definitions, the first and last time that definition is used of the word: flag, sign, vehicle, and sign, window; adding a definition for: sign, noncommercial; striking the definition of: sign, political campaign, sign, under canopy, and sign, valance. (DISTRICTs - ALL)
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