PC 22-20: 4-44 Yorktown Center, Yorktown Commons Parcel 4 - D.R. Horton Townhomes
The Plan Commission submits its recommendation to approve an Ordinance granting the following actions on the subject property located within the B3PD Community Shopping District Planned Development:
Pursuant to Section 155.504 (A) (major changes in a planned development) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance, amend the Yorktown Commons Planned Development Form Based Code, as stated in Section IV(E) and established by Ordinance No. 7177, as follows:
1. Amend the build-to lines for the proposed attached single-family (townhouse) residential development to be located on Lot 4 of the Yorktown Commons Phase I Subdivision in the following respects:
a. To account for required separation distances between buildings and public utilities, provide for a major change to the southern build-to line to allow for the exterior building elevation to be located more than 12 feet behind the south property line, where a 12-foot build-to line was established for townhouses;
b. To account for required separation distances between buildings and public utilities, provide for a major change to the eastern build-to line to allow for the exterior building elevation to be located more than 30 feet behind the east property line, where a 12-foot build-to line was established for townhouses;
2. Approve an attached single-family residential development based upon the submitted plans, pursuant to Ordinance 7177 and through Section 155.511 of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance (Site Plan Approvals) and as deemed appropriate; and
3. Approve a preliminary plat of subdivision. (DISTRICT #3)
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