Meeting Name: Village Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 9/15/2005 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board Room - Village Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Published minutes: Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
050418 0 PC 05-20: 509 and 515 W. Wilson Avenue A Public Hearing PC 05-20: 509 and 515 W. Wilson Avenue (Continued from August 18, 2005) A Public Hearing relative to a proposed Annexation Agreement for the property located at 509 and 515 W. Wilson Avenue. (UNINCORPORATED)   Action details Not available
050506 0 Proclamation - Knights of Columbus ProclamationProclamation - Knights of Columbus    Action details Not available
050507 0 Proclamaton - Kiwanis Peanut DayProclamationProclamation - Kiwanis Peanut Day    Action details Not available
050484 0 Approval of Accounts Payable Payroll/Accounts PayableA. Approval of Accounts Payable Approval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending September 2, 2005 in the amount of $247,507.94. approvedPass Action details Not available
050503 0 Approval of Village Payroll Payroll/Accounts PayableB. Approval of Village Payroll Approval of the Village Payroll for the period ending September 3, 2005 in the amount of $712,350.90. approvedPass Action details Not available
050504 0 Approval of Accounts Payable Payroll/Accounts PayableC. Approval of Accounts Payable Approval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending September 9, 2005 in the amount of $231,043.98. approvedPass Action details Not available
050463 0 ZBA 05-14: 828 S. FairfieldOrdinance D. ZBA 05-14: 828 S. Fairfield (Waiver of First Requested) Requests a variation to Section 155.406 (F)(3) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance to reduce the minimum required interior side yard setback from six (6) feet to approximately two and a half (2.5) feet in the R2 Single-Family Residence District. The petitioner is requesting a waiver of first reading. (DISTRICT #6)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
050485 0 Downtown Retail Business Grant ProgramOrdinance Downtown Retail Business Grant Program Ordinance amending Title 3, Chapter 36 of the Lombard Village Code with regard to the establishment of a Downtown Retail Business Grant Program and an Ordinance adopting the Downtown Retail Business Grant Program Policy. passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050486 0 Liquor License Ownership Change - Dutch Kitchen, 20 W. St. Charles RoadOrdinance F. Ordinance Amending Title 11, Chapter 112 of the Alcoholic Liquor Code (Waiver of First Requested) Ordinance amending Title 11 of the Lombard Village Code to reflect a change in ownership for Dutch Kitchen, 20 W. St. Charles Road. Waiver of first is requested due to time constraints. (DISTRICT #1)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
050496 0 PC 03-27: 240 Progress Road Ordinance G. PC 03-27: 240 Progress Road (Waiver of First Requested) Ordinance granting a further time extension of Ordinances 5358 and 5550 for construction of the conditional use for a twelve month period. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading. (DISTRICT #4)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
050509 0 Ordinance amending the interest rate for Special Assessment 213B. (Waiver of First Requested)Ordinance H. Ordinance Amending Ordinance 5516 - Special Assessment 213B (Waiver of First Requested) Ordinance amending Ordinance #5516 adopted July 22, 2004, with regard to the paving and improving of West Road from Woodland Avenue to St. Charles Road in Special Assessment 213B as it relates to the interest rate charged to residents for their portion of the porject costs. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading.waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
050510 0 Ordinance amending the Lombard Village Traffic CodeOrdinance N. Ordinance Amending the Lombard Village Code - Permit Parking Fees (Ordinance on Second Reading) Ordinance amending Schedule XII of the Lombard Village Traffic Code with regard to an increase in permit parking rates for Special Village Parking Lot A North Broadway Avenue. (DISTRICT #5)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050494 1 Main Street Improvements - Wilson Avenue to St. Charles Road Design Engineering Amendment No. 5)Resolution J. Main Street Improvements (Resolution) Resolution approving Amendment No. 5 to the contract with Civiltech Engineering reflecting an increase of $11,013.00 for design engineering services related to Main Street Improvements from Wilson Avenue to St. Charles Road. (DISTRICTS #1, #2, #4, & #6)adoptedPass Action details Not available
050455 0 PC 05-30: 369 N. StewartOrdinance K. PC 05-30: 369 N. Stewart (Ordinance on Second Reading) Requests the following actions on the subject property: 1. Approval of a conditional use for a religious institution; 2. A variation from Section 155.406 (G) to allow for a church spire that will exceed the maximum building height; 3. A variation from Section 155.406 (F) to reduce the minimum required front yard setback from thirty (30) feet to six (6) feet; 4. A variation from Section 155.602 (C) to reduce the number of minimum required parking spaces; 5. A variation from Section 155.406 (H) to exceed the minimum required 50% open space. 6. A variation from Section 155.602 (A)(C) reducing the minimum parking space and aisle dimensions. (DISTRICT #4)passed on second reading on the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
050456 0 PC 05-32: 912-916 East Roosevelt RoadOrdinance l. PC 05-32: 912-916 East Roosevelt Road (Ordinance on Second Reading) Requests that the Village approve a map amendment rezoning the subject property from the R1 Single-Family Residence District to the B3 Community Shopping District. In addition, requests that the Village approve the following actions in order to allow for two separate restaurant/food preparation establishments, as set forth below: 1. To allow for a proposed sit-down restaurant at 912 E. Roosevelt Road and an existing fast-food restaurant at 916 E. Roosevelt Road, approve a variation from Section 155.602 (C), Table 6.3 Off-Site Parking Requirements reducing the requisite number of parking spaces on the subject property from 43 spaces to 21 spaces; (this item was withdrawn by the petitioner at the Plan Commission public hearing) 2. To allow for a proposed fast-food restaurant (without seating) at 912 E. Roosevelt Road and an existing fast-food restaurant at 916 E. Roosevelt Road, approve a variation from Section 155.602 (C), Table 6.3 Off-Site Parking Requirements reducing the requisite number of parking spacepassed on second reading on the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
050423 0 Washington Boulevard West of Westmore-Meyers - Request for No ParkingOrdinanceM. Recomendation of Transportation and Safety Committee - Washington Boulevard (Ordinance on Second Reading) Recommendation from the Transportation & Safety Committee to install "No Parking" signage on the north side of Washington Boulevard from the west curb line of Westmore-Meyers Road to a point 110 feet west. (DISTRICT #5)passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
050424 0 Joyce Avenue and Berkshire Street - Request for Stop SignsOrdinanceN. Recommendation of Transportation and Safety Committee - Joyce Avenue and Berkshire Street (Ordinance on Second Reading) Recommendation from the Transportation & Safety Committee to convert the northbound and southbound "Yield" signs to "Stop" signs on Joyce Avenue at Berkshire Street. (DISTRICT #4)passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
050498 0 Meter Testing & Repair BidRequestO. Meter Testing and Repair Award of a contract to M.E. Simpson Company, Inc., the lowest responsible bid of two bidders, in the amount of $27,370.00 for meter testing and repair. Bid in compliance with Public Act 85-1295. approvedPass Action details Not available
050501 0 2006 4x4 Pick-up with PlowOrdinance P. One 2006 4x4 Pick-up with Plow (Waiver of First Requested) Award of a contract to Freeway Ford, the lowest responsible bid of four bidders, in the amount of $17,395.00 for the purchase of a 2006 4x4 pick-up with plow, and approval of an ordinance authorizing the sale and/or disposal of unit EN443. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading. Bid in compliance with Public Act 85-1295. waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
050512 0 Lombard Business District No. 1Resolution Lombard Business District No. 1 (Resolution) Resolution expressing the Village's intent to proceed with the establishment of Lombard Business District No. 1. (DISTRICT #3)approved with a motion to include the necessary and appropriate technical corrections to account for recently discovered changes to the legal descriptions and purchase pricesPass Action details Not available
050357 0 PC 05-24: 18W520 Roosevelt RoadOrdinance B. PC 05-24: 18W520 Roosevelt Road (5 Ordinances on Second Reading) Requests that the Village take the following actions on the subject property: 1. Approve an Annexation Agreement (2/3 of Corporate Authorities Vote Required); 2. Annex the property into the Village of Lombard; 3. Approve a map amendment to rezone the property from the R1 Single-Family Residence District to the B4 Corridor Commercial District; 4. Approve a conditional use for an existing automobile service establishment; and 5. Approve a variation to allow for an existing 9.85-foot corner side yard setback. (UNINCORPORATED)passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
050357 0 PC 05-24: 18W520 Roosevelt RoadOrdinance B. PC 05-24: 18W520 Roosevelt Road (5 Ordinances on Second Reading) Requests that the Village take the following actions on the subject property: 1. Approve an Annexation Agreement (2/3 of Corporate Authorities Vote Required); 2. Annex the property into the Village of Lombard; 3. Approve a map amendment to rezone the property from the R1 Single-Family Residence District to the B4 Corridor Commercial District; 4. Approve a conditional use for an existing automobile service establishment; and 5. Approve a variation to allow for an existing 9.85-foot corner side yard setback. (UNINCORPORATED)passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
050358 0 PC 05-25: 18W470 Roosevelt RoadOrdinanceC. PC 05-25: 18W470 Roosevelt Road (5 Ordinances on Second Reading) Requests that the Village take the following actions on the property: 1. Approve an Annexation Agreement (2/3 of Corporate Authority Vote Required); 2. Immediately upon the establishment of contiguity to the Village corporate limits, annex the property into the Village of Lombard; 3. Approve a map amendment to rezone the property from the R1 Single-Family Residence District to the B4 Corridor Commercial District; 4. Approve a conditional use for an existing automobile service establishment; and 5. Approve a one-lot major plat of subdivision with a variation for a lot width of 143.9 feet. (UNINCORPORATED)passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
050358 0 PC 05-25: 18W470 Roosevelt RoadOrdinanceC. PC 05-25: 18W470 Roosevelt Road (5 Ordinances on Second Reading) Requests that the Village take the following actions on the property: 1. Approve an Annexation Agreement (2/3 of Corporate Authority Vote Required); 2. Immediately upon the establishment of contiguity to the Village corporate limits, annex the property into the Village of Lombard; 3. Approve a map amendment to rezone the property from the R1 Single-Family Residence District to the B4 Corridor Commercial District; 4. Approve a conditional use for an existing automobile service establishment; and 5. Approve a one-lot major plat of subdivision with a variation for a lot width of 143.9 feet. (UNINCORPORATED)passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
050453 0 PC 05-26: 60 Yorktown Shopping Center (Yorktown Peripheral Planned Development/Target)OrdinanceA. PC 05-26: 60 Yorktown Shopping Center (Yorktown Peripheral Planned Development/Target) (Ordinance on Second Reading)(Continued from September 15, 2005) Requests the Village take the following actions on the subject property located within the B3PD Community Shopping District, Planned Development: 1. Pursuant to Section 155.504(A) (major changes in a planned development) and Section 155.511 (Site Plan Approvals for planned developments) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance, amend Sections 3 (A) and (I) of Ordinance 3962, which granted a conditional use for the Yorktown Peripheral Planned Development to provide for a building expansion on Lot 1 (Target), per the submitted plans. 2. Approve an amendment to Section 3 (G)(1) of Ordinance 3962 and a deviation from Section 153.505(B)(6)(e) of the Sign Ordinance to allow for a second free-standing sign to be located along 22nd Street. 3. Approve an amendment to Section 3 (G)(3) of Ordinance 3962 and a deviation from Section 153.505(B)(19)(a) of the Sign Ordinance to allow for two additional wall signs for the Lot 1 (Target) buildingpassed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050355 0 PC 05-20: 509 and 515 W. WilsonOrdinance C. PC 05-20: 509 and 515 W. Wilson (Ordinance on Second Reading) Requests the following actions be taken on the subject property: 1. Approval of an Annexation Agreement; (2/3 of Corporate Authorities Vote Required) 2. Annexation to the Village of Lombard; 3. Approval of a minor plat of subdivision with the following variations: a. For Lots 1 and 2, a variation from Section 155.405 (E) to reduce the required minimum lot width from seventy-five feet (75') to seventy feet (70'). b. For Lot 3, a variation from Section 155.405 (E) to reduce the required minimum lot width from seventy-five feet (75') to seventy-one feet (71'). (UNINCORPORATED)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050497 0 BOT 05-06: The Northern 40 Feet of 1000 S. Finley RoadOrdinance B. BOT 05-06: The Northern 40 Feet of 1000 S. Finley Road (Ordinance on Second Reading) Ordinance annexing the northern 40 feet of the property located at 1000 S. Finley. (UNINCORPORATED)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050499 0  Ordinance D. BOT 05-08: 1001 Highmoor Road (Ordinance on Second Reading) Ordinance annexing the property located at 1001 Highmoor Road. (UNINCORPORATED)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050500 0  Ordinance E. BOT 05-09: 1000 Highmoor Road (Ordinance on Second Reading) Ordinance annexing the property located at 1000 Highmoor Road. (UNINCORPORATED)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050502 0 BOT 05-10: 1002 Highmoor RoadOrdinance F. BOT 05-10: 1002 Highmoor Road (Ordinance on Second Reading) Ordinance annexing the property located at 1002 Highmoor Road. (UNINCORPORATED)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050493 0 Non-Home Rule Sales Tax ReferndumRequestRecommendation of the Finance Committee to place a Non-Home Rule Sales Tax Referendum question on a future ballot.referred toPass Action details Not available