Meeting Name: Village Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/20/2000 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board Room - Village Hall
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
000394 0 Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending June 15, 2000 in the amount of $802,450.19.approvedPass Action details Not available
000395 0 Approval of Village PayrollPayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of the Village Payroll for the period ending June 23, 2000 in the amount $586,977.38.approvedPass Action details Not available
000396 0 Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending June 22, 2000 in the amount of $292,217.49.approvedPass Action details Not available
000401 0 Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending June 29, 2000 in the amount of $545,027.87.approvedPass Action details Not available
000413 0 Approval of Village PayrollPayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of the Village Payroll for the period ending July 1, 2000 in the amount $593,851.80.approvedPass Action details Not available
000414 0 Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending July 6, 2000 in the amount of $357,931.37.approvedPass Action details Not available
000439 0 Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending July 13, 2000 in the amount $730,732.75.approvedPass Action details Not available
000390 0 PC 00-25: 801 East Butterfield Road (Oak Brook Square) (Waiver of First Requested)Ordinance An Ordinance approving PC 00-25, 801 E. Butterfield Rd., a request for rezoning from the O Office District to the B3 Community Shopping District. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading. (DISTRICT #3)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
000445 0 PC 00-27: 701 East 22nd Street (Waiver of First Requested)Ordinance approving a request for a Conditional Use for a Planned Development to allow for the construction of an additional parking garage on the property and a variation in accessory structure building height. Recommendation of the Plan Commission. (DISTRICT #3)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
000433 0 Backyard Drainage Grant Request - 429 W. MadisonRequestapproving a backyard drainage grant in the amount of $1,900.00 for the property located at 429 W. Madison. Recommendation of the Public Works Committee. (DISTRICT #2)approvedPass Action details Not available
000398 0 BOT 00-06: 820 S. Finley Road (Sunset Knolls Park) (Waiver of First Requested)Ordinance approving 820 S. Finley Road, granting a variation of the Lombard Code of Ordinances Chapter 151 "Flood Control"; Subsection 151.55 "Retention/Detention Basins" and Chapter 154 "Subdivisions and Development"; Subsection 154.406 "Storm Sewer and Drainage System" The petitioner is requesting a waiver of first reading. (DISTRICT #2)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
000440 0 BOT 00-07: 21 North Park (Ordinance on Second Reading)Ordinance granting a variation of the Lombard Code of Ordinances Chapter 151 "Flood Control"; Subsection 151.55 "Retention/Detention Basins" and Subsection 151.57 "Detention Variance Fee Program" regarding flood control and retention/detention basins for the property located at 21 North Park. (DISTRICT #1)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
000436 0 BOT 00-08: 801 Butterfield Road (Ordinance on Second Reading)Ordinance approving the annexation of 801 Butterfield Road to the Village of Lombard of the property located at 801 Butterfield Road (Parcel 2). (DISTRICT #3)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
000411 0 Ordinance Amending Title 11 - S & R Drugs, 338 S. Main Street (Waiver of First Requested)Ordinance amending Title 11, Chapter 112 of the Village Code reflecting a change of ownership for S & R Drugs and granting a liquor license to the new owner. Petitioner is requesting waiver of first due to time constraints. (DISTRICT #1)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
000432 0 Liquor License-Famous Dave's of America, Inc. (Waiver of First Requested)Ordinance amending Title 11, Chapter 112 of the Village Code changing the liquor license class from an A/B-II to A/B-III for Famous Daves of America at Yorktown Mall. Petitioner is requesting a waiver of first reading. (DISTRICT #3)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
000415 0 Ordinance Declaring Property Surplus (Waiver of First Requested)Ordinance declaring property as surplus and authorizing its disposal at the Police Department auction to be held on July 22, 2000. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading.waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
000365 0 Classification and Compensation Study (Resolution)Resolution authorizing an Agreement with DMG Maximus in an amount not to exceed $38,268.00 to provide a classification and compensation study for the Village of Lombard.adoptedPass Action details Not available
000416 0 Resolution Authorizing Intergovernmental Agreement - Children's Center (Resolution)Resolution authorizing an Intergovernmental Agreement with DuPage County for the Children's Center.adoptedPass Action details Not available
000417 0 1135 N. Garfield (Grimm Metal Fabricators) (Resolution)Resolution authorizing the signatures of the President and Clerk on an Agreement regarding the construction of a stormwater detention pond at 1135 N. Garfield. (DISTRICT #4)adoptedPass Action details Not available
000430 0 Resolution Authorizing the Village Manager to Sign an Agreement - Illinois Century Network (Resolution)Resolution authorizing the Village Manager to sign an Agreement with the College of DuPage as part of the Illinois Century Technology Network.adoptedPass Action details Not available
000431 0 FY 2001 Sidewalk Additions Design Engineering (Resolution)Resolution authorizing a Contract with SDI Consultants, Inc. in the amount of $44,870.12 reflecting additional design engineering services to the FY 2001 Sidewalk Additions Program. (DISTRICTS #1 & #4)adoptedPass Action details Not available
000136 0 PC 00-11: 245-316 W. Ann St./310-330 W. Roosevelt Rd (Continued from May 18, 2000)(Two Ordinances on Second Reading)Ordinance on second reading approving PC 00-11, 245-316 W. Ann Street and 310-330 W. Roosevelt Road, requesting a vacation of portions of Ann Street and Elizabeth Street rights-of-way, a major plat of resubdivision, rezoning from the R2 Single-Family Residence District to the CR Conservation/Recreation District, and rezoning from the R2 Single-Family Residence District to the B3 Community Shopping District. (DISTRICT #2)pass on second readingPass Action details Not available
000404 0 United Way Banner RequestRequestfrom United Way to hang 16 banners throughout the Village for four weeks during September and October as a part of their United Way Campaign. (DISTRICTS - ALL)continuedPass Action details Not available
000448 0 PC 98-18: 5 East North Avenue (Ordinance on Second Reading)Ordinance amending Ordinance Number 4485, granting an extension of the conditional use until October 1, 2001. (DISTRICT #4)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
000449 0 Ordinance Authorizing and Providing for an Installment Contract (Waiver of First Requested)Ordinance authorizing and providing for an Installment Contract, the Issuance of an Aggregate $6,100,000 Installment Contract Certificates Series 2000 for the Village of Lombard (SA 213A, Lombard Hills East Phase I and 22nd Street Projects). Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading.waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
000451 0 Private Electrical Contract - 21 N. Park Avenue - Municipal Parking Lot (Waiver of Bids)Requestfor a waiver of bids and award of a contract to Kuhrt Electric, Inc. in the amount of $58,595.00 to perform the electrical work necessary to bury the electrical lines that run through the middle of the lot and a motion to reject an award to Electrical Design System in the amount of $54,895.00 . Public Act 85-1295 does not apply. (DISTRICT #1)approvedPass Action details Not available