Meeting Name: Village Board of Trustees Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/7/2015 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Village Hall Board Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
150198 1 Swearing in - Trustee Mike Fugiel, Trustee Bill Johnston and Trustee Robyn PikeSwearing-InSwearing in - Trustee Mike Fugiel, Trustee Bill Johnston and Trustee Robyn Pike   Action details Video Video
150199 1 Proclamation - National Police WeekProclamationProclamation - National Police Week   Action details Video Video
150200 1 Proclamation - Public Works WeekProclamationProclamation - Public Works Week   Action details Video Video
150205 1 Proclamation - Lilac TimeProclamationProclamation - Lilac Time   Action details Video Video
150220 1 Proclamation - Motorcycle Awareness MonthProclamationProclamation - Motorcycle Awareness Month   Action details Video Video
150183 1A.Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Accounts Payable For the period ending April 17, 2015 in the amount of $306,219.79.approvedPass Action details Not available
150191 1B.Approval of Village PayrollPayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Village Payroll For the period ending April 18, 2015 in the amount of $772,071.64.approvedPass Action details Not available
150192 1C.Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Accounts Payable For the period ending April 24, 2015 in the amount of $570,701.67.approvedPass Action details Not available
150194 1D.Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Accounts Payable For the period ending May 1, 2015 in the amount of $384,546.79.approvedPass Action details Not available
150170 1E. OrdinanceZBA 15-04 - 131 W. Goebel Drive Requests that the Village grant a variation from Section 155.210(A)(3)(a) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance to allow a detached accessory building or structure to exceed the height of a principal structure or use. (DISTRICT #1)waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
150171 1F. OrdinancePC 15-07: 1-378 Yorktown Center Pursuant to Section 155.504(A)(9) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance, the petitioner requests approval of a major change to the approved Yorktown Center Planned Development, located within the B3 Community Shopping District. The petition seeks approval of an amended roadway configuration for the perimeter ring road and the Fairfield Avenue entrance. (DISTRICT #3)waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
150172 1G. OrdinancePC 15-06: 7, 11-21 and 115 E. St. Charles Road - Parking Lot Expansion Requests the following action be taken for the subject property located within the B5 Central Business District: 1. Pursuant to Section 155.504 (A) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance, amend the conditional use approval for the Hammerschmidt Planned Development, as established by Ordinance No. 5447, to allow for the properties at 7 and 11-21 E. St. Charles Road to be included within the geographical extent of the planned development, with the following deviations: a. Approval of a deviation from Section 155.602 (C) to allow for a fifteen foot (15’) wide parking aisle where an eighteen foot (18’) parking aisle width is required for sixty degree (60°) parking space angles; b. Approval of a further deviation from Section 155.602 (B) to reduce the required number of accessible parking spaces from seven (7) to zero (0); and c. Approval of further deviations from Section 155.706 to reduce the required amount of parking lot landscaping (as established by Ordinance No. 5447). 2. Grant approval of a conditionwaived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
150173 1H. OrdinancePC 15-09: 800 E. Roosevelt Road (Noon Whistle Brewing Co.) Requests that the Village grant a conditional use, pursuant to Section 155.417 (G)(2)(a) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance, to allow an outside service area (outdoor seating) for the subject property located within the B4A Roosevelt Road Corridor District. (DISTRICT #6)waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
150174 1I. OrdinancePC 15-08: 1300 S. Main Street Requests that the Village grant a conditional use, pursuant to Section 155.417 (G) (2) (a) (5) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance, to allow outside service areas (outdoor dining) for the subject property located within the B4A Roosevelt Road Corridor District. (DISTRICT #2)waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
150187 1J.Ambulance PurchaseOrdinanceAmbulance Purchase Request for a waiver of bids and award of a contract to Foster Coach in the amount of $191,143.00 for the purchase of a new Horton ambulance; and approval of an ordinance declaring Village ambulance FM65 as surplus property and authorizing Public Works to market and sell this ambulance to the highest bidder. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading. Bid in compliance with Public Act-85-1295.waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
150196 1K. OrdinanceCruise Nights Parking Provisions for the 2015 Season Ordinance establishing two short-term parking spaces for business customers that are patronizing downtown business establishments in association with Cruise Nights. (DISTRICT #1)waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
150201 1L.Ordinance Amending Title 11, Chapter 112, Section 112.18 (Alcoholic Beverages)OrdinanceOrdinance Amending Title 11, Chapter 112, Section 112.18 (Alcoholic Beverages) Ordinance amending Title 11, Chapter 112 of the Village Code providing for the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages associated with the Craft Beer Event scheduled for June 13, 2015. (DISTRICT #1)waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
150215 1L-2. OrdinanceSpecial Event Liquor Licenses for Punky’s Pub and Shannon’s Deli for the 2015 Stanley Cup Finals Ordinance amending Ordinance No. 7074, adopted May 7, 2015, and Title 11, Chapter 112, Section 112.18(B)(7) of the Lombard Village Code, in regard to alcoholic beverages, providing for the sale and consumption of alcohol in connection with a temporary event at 11 and 16 South Park Avenue, relative to a Chicago Blackhawks playoff game to be held on or by June 17, 2015. (DISTRICT #1)waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
150013 2M.Proposed Code Amendment for Frozen Water Service LinesResolutionCode Amendment for Frozen Water Service Lines Recommendation from the Public Works Committee to amend Village Code Section 51 regarding assistance to be provided to unfreeze water service lines. (DISTRICTS - ALL)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
150203 1N. OrdinanceTitle 11, Chapter 121, Section 121.03A.(2) - Number of Taxicab Business Licenses Amending Title 11, Chapter 121, Section 121.03A.(2) increasing the number of Taxicab Business Licenses from thirteen (13) to fourteen (14) and granting a license to Suburban Yellow Taxi LLC.passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
150147 1O. OrdinanceTitle 11, Chapter 112, Section 112.12(A) - Alcoholic Beverages Amending Title 11, Chapter 112, Section 112.12(A) of the Village Code revising the language relative to the Class "R" liquor license (bowling alleys). (DISTRICTS - ALL)passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
150151 1P. OrdinanceTitle 11, Chapter 116 of the Lombard Village Code - Licensing Amending Title 11, Chapter 116 of the Lombard Village Code adding Section 116.06 establishing a fee in regard to business licenses and business name changes. (DISTRICTS - ALL)passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
150185 1Q.Participation in the Suburban Tree ConsortiumResolutionParticipation in the Suburban Tree Consortium Expressing intent to continue participation in the Suburban Tree Consortium for the purchase of parkway trees.adoptedPass Action details Not available
150193 1R.North Broadway Pump Station & Force MainResolutionNorth Broadway Pump Station & Force Main Resolution approving a contract with ESI for H & H Design Engineering Services in the amount of $164,312.15. (DISTRICT #5)adoptedPass Action details Not available
150195 1S.Wetland Perimeter Maintenance Services at Terrace View PondResolutionWetland Perimeter Maintenance Services at Terrace View Pond Resolution approving a contract with ENCAP in the amount of $13,300.00. (DISTRICT #1)adoptedPass Action details Not available
150149 1T. BidXerox State of Illinois Joint Purchasing Contract Request authorization to replace six (6) copy machines through the Xerox State of Illinois Joint Purchasing Contract.approvedPass Action details Not available
150184 1U.Tree PlantingBidTree Planting Request for a waiver of bids and award of a contract to the Suburban Tree Consortium in an amount not to exceed $146,477.00. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply. (DISTRICTS - ALL)approvedPass Action details Not available
150186 1V.FY2015 Driveway Apron, Curb and Sidewalk RestorationBidFY2015 Driveway Apron, Curb and Sidewalk Restoration Award of a contract to Strada Construction Company, the lowest responsible bidder of seven (7) bids, in the amount of $173,750.00. Bid in compliance with Public Act 85-1295. (DISTRICTS - ALL)approvedPass Action details Not available
150188 1W. BidWater Meter Reading Services Request for a waiver of bids and approval to exercise the option to extend the contract with Rickman Contract Service, Inc. for an additional three (3) years, through October 2018, at the current rate of $0.95 per read. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply.approvedPass Action details Not available
150189 1X.Sewer Root ControlBidSewer Root Control Request for a waiver of bids and award of a contract to Duke's Root Control in an amount not to exceed $50,000. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply. (DISTRICTS - ALL)approvedPass Action details Not available
150176 1Y. RequestSUB 15-01: 25 N. West Rd. Proposed two lot single family resubdivision. (DISTRICT #1)approvedPass Action details Not available
150202 1Z.Annual Financial Commitment Letter to the DuPage Convention & Visitors BureauRequestAnnual Financial Commitment Letter to the DuPage Convention & Visitors Bureau Letter of intent memorializing the Village of Lombard's membership and annual commitment of financial support to the DCVB.approvedPass Action details Not available
150217 1Z-2. RequestYorktown Temporary Event - Season’s Produce and Specialty Market Request from Season’s Produce and Specialty Market seeking a Temporary Event Permit for a Farmers Market at Yorktown Center. (DISTRICT #3)approvedPass Action details Not available
150197 1AA. AppointmentAppointment - Public Works Committee Request for concurrence in the appointment of Mark Dvorak to the Public Works Committee to fill a vacancy created by the resignation of Ken Blakeslee with a term until May 31, 2015.approvedPass Action details Not available