Meeting Name: Village Board of Trustees Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/16/2023 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Village Hall Board Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
230359 1 Public Hearing - Proposed FY 2024 BudgetA Public HearingPublic Hearing - Proposed FY 2024 Budget A Public Hearing for the purpose of hearing written and oral comments from the public concerning the proposed Village of Lombard Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 2024 and ending December 31, 2024.   Action details Not available
230375 1 Presentation - Lombard Park District Executive Director Paul FriedrichsPresentationRecognition - Lombard Park District Executive Director Paul Friedrichs   Action details Video Video
230370 1A.Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Accounts Payable For the period ending November 3, 2023 in the amount of $1,287,869.52.approvedPass Action details Not available
230385 1B.Approval of Village PayrollPayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Village Payroll For the period ending November 4, 2023 in the amount of $995,184.88.approvedPass Action details Not available
230386 1C. Payroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Accounts Payable For the period ending November 10, 2023 in the amount of $1,493,942.02.approvedPass Action details Not available
230361 1D.Village Equipment to be Declared SurplusOrdinanceVillage Equipment to be Declared Surplus Ordinance approving the requests of the Public Works and IT Departments to sell and/or dispose of surplus equipment as more specifically detailed in Exhibit "A" attached to the ordinance, as these items have extended beyond their useful life or are obsolete. Public Works Department: seventy-eight (78) stacking chairs (grey); eight (8) stacking chairs (multi-colored) and sixteen (16) stacking chairs (purple), items to be sold at auction; IT Department: twenty-three (23) Dell Optiflex Desktop computers; items to be sold at auction.waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
230362 1E.Ordinance Authorizing Execution of the Illinois Water and Wastewater Agency Response Network (ILWARN) AgreementOrdinanceOrdinance Authorizing Execution of the Illinois Water and Wastewater Agency Response Network (ILWARN) Agreement Approving an Ordinance to continue participation in Illinois Water and Wastewater Agency Response Network (ILWARN). This network is a mutual aid network that was established to address sewerage and water distribution and treatment emergency responses. Staff is requesting a waiver of First Reading.waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
230364 1F.An Ordinance Amending Title III, Chaper 32, Article III of the Lombard Village Code in Regard to Dissolution of The Board of Local ImprovementsOrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending Title III, Chaper 32, Article III of the Lombard Village Code in Regard to Dissolution of The Board of Local Improvements Approving an Ordinance disbanding The Board of Local Improvements (BOLI). As there are no outstanding Lombard Special Assessments, and the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) does not anticipate the establishment of any Special Assessments, staff recommends that the Village Board disband The Board of Local Improvements.waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
230379 1F-2. OrdinanceAmending Title XI, Chapter 112, Section 112.13(A) of the Lombard Village Code - Alcoholic Beverages Ordinance increasing the number of authorized licenses in the Class "A/B-I" liquor license category by one and granting a Class "A/B-I" liquor license to Emme Hospitality, LLC d/b/a Berrylicious Breakfast Club, located at 2370 Fountain Square Drive. (DISTRICT #3)waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
230380 1G.An Ordinance Approving a Water Purchase and Sale Contract between The DuPage Water Commission and Contract CustomersOrdinanceAn Ordinance Approving a Water Purchase and Sale Contract between The DuPage Water Commission and Contract Customers Approving an Ordinance for a Water Purchase and Sale Contract between The DuPage Water Commission and Contract Customers. The Village is a customer of The DuPage Water Commission for the purchase of Lake Michigan water. The current contract between The Village and The DuPage Water Commission expires on February 24, 2024. A new 40-year agreement through February 24, 2064 would cover current and additional customers, allowing for Village residents and businesses to continue to be provided clean, safe drinking water. Staff is requesting a waiver of First Reading. (DISTRICTS - ALL)waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
230303 2H.Review and Recommendation in Regard to Emergency Medical Service ChargesOrdinanceAn Ordinance Amending Title IX, Chapter 91, Article II, Section 91.21(A) of the Lombard Village Code in Regard to Medical Transportation Fees for Village Residents and Non-Residents Ordinance amending the Lombard Village Code imposing non-resident medical transportation fees at 100% of actual cost and resident medical transportation fees at 90% of the actual cost as determined by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services and/or the Federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services.passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
230320 2I. OrdinancePC 23-21: 717 E. Butterfield Road - Chick-fil-A drive-through modification and canopy The Plan Commission submits its recommendation to approve the following action on the subject property located within the OPD Office District Planned Development (Homestead Village Planned Development): 1. Pursuant to Section 155.504 (A) (major changes in a planned development) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance, amend the Homestead Village Planned Development, as established by Ordinance No. 4497, and amended by Ordinance Nos. 6616 and 6672, to approve the following: a. A modification to the use exception for a drive-through restaurant, established by Ordinance No. 6616 and amended by Ordinance No. 6672; and b. A deviation from Section 155.210(C)(2)(a) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance to allow a freestanding canopy with a setback of eight (8) feet from the east property line, where a minimum setback of ten (10) feet is required. (DISTRICT #3)passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
230321 2J. OrdinancePC 23-20: 730 E. St. Charles Road - Massage establishment The Plan Commission submits its recommendation to approve a conditional use pursuant to Section 155.416(6)(23) of the Lombard Village Code to allow for a massage establishment (as defined and regulated by Title 11, Chapter 122 of the Code of Ordinances) on the subject property located within the B4 Corridor Commercial District. (DISTRICT #4)passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
230365 2J-2. Resolution118 West St. Charles Road (PREA): A recommendation from the Economic and Community Development Committee to approve a grant award of up to $49,618 (50% of eligible costs allowed by the Grant Program), for the modifications to the exterior facade of the commercial building. (DISTRICT #1)adoptedPass Action details Not available
230371 1K.Pavement Marking Replacement Program Change Order #1 Final and BalancingResolutionPavement Marking Replacement Program Change Order #1 Final and Balancing Reflecting an increase to the contract with Superior Road Striping, Inc., in the amount of $13,371.20. The Change Order represents final agreed to Contract quantities for pay items as measured in the field. (DISTRICTS - ALL)adoptedPass Action details Not available
230376 1L.Concrete Rehabilitation Program Change Order #2 and FinalResolutionConcrete Rehabilitation Program Change Order #2 and Final Reflecting an increase to the contract with G & M Cement Construction, Inc. in the amount of $312,467.70. The increase reflected by this Change Order is due to the increased quantity of material and work that was performed. The unit prices supplied by G & M provided us with the opportunity to address two very deteriorated stretches of road, multiple utilitiy dig restorations and other concrete road patching work throughout the Village. (DISTRICTS - ALL)adoptedPass Action details Not available
230381 1M.Extension of the Water Supply Contract between The DuPage Water Commission and The City of ChicagoResolutionExtension of the Water Supply Contract between The DuPage Water Commission and The City of Chicago Approving a Resolution for an Extension of the Water Supply Contract between The DuPage Water Commission and The City of Chicago. The Village is a customer of The DuPage Water Commission (DWC) for the purchase of Lake Michigan water. The current Water Supply Contract between The DuPage Water Commission and The City of Chicago expires on February 24, 2024. The DWC is recommending that all customers of the Commission authorize the DWC to unilaterally extend the Water Supply Contract with The City of Chicago on the same terms and conditions for a period not less than ten (10) years nor more than forty (40) years. The Commission is recommending that the extension be for a period not less than fifteen (15) years, but no more than twenty (20) years.adoptedPass Action details Not available
230348 1N.Maintenance of Traffic Signal Equipment ContractBidMaintenance of Traffic Signal Equipment Contract Award of a contract to Meade, Inc. in the amount of $226,000.00, the lowest responsible bidder for the contract. Village Staff collaborated with the DuPage County Division of Transportation to produce a joint bid for this contract. The joint bid covers two years and does not include extensions beyond these years. Work for this contract will be performed and completed from January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024. (DISTRICTS - ALL)approvedPass Action details Not available
230377 1O.Specialty Landscaping and Annual Planting Bed Maintenance ContractBidSpecialty Landscaping and Annual Planting Bed Maintenance Contract Award of a contract to Beary Landscape Management, the lowest responsible bidder of three (3) bids received, in the amount of $66,000.00. This is a one-year contract with two one-year renewal options upon mutual agreement. (DISTRICTS - ALL)approvedPass Action details Not available
230384 1P.FY2024 Concrete Rehabilitation ProgramBidFY2024 Concrete Rehabilitation Program Request for a waiver of bids and award of a contract to G & M Cement Construction, Inc., in the amount of $940,571.10. Staff is requesting a waiver of bids due to the success of the 2023 program, G & M's performance and their favorable pricing for 2024. (DISTRICTS - ALL)approvedPass Action details Not available
230378 1Q.Metropolitan Mayors Caucus Membership DuesRequestMetropolitan Mayors Caucus Membership Dues Request for approval of the Village Board for Village participation in the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus for FY 2022-2023 in the amount of $2001.42.approvedPass Action details Not available
230383 1R.Appointment - Finance and Administration CommitteeAppointmentAppointment - Finance and Administration Committee Request for concurrence in the appointment of Madison Verdun to the Finance and Administration Committee to fill a vacancy created by the resignation of David Cain, Jr. with a term to May 2025.approvedPass Action details Not available
230387 1S.Appointments - Community Promotion & Tourism CommitteeAppointmentAppointments - Community Promotion & Tourism Committee Request for concurrence in the appointments of Kimberly Messina, Umar Haque and Kayla Harger to the Community Promotions & Tourism Committee with terms to May 2025 filling vacancies created by the resignations of Phil Dahm, Amy LeBeau and Jim Grillo.approvedPass Action details Not available
230360 1A.Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2024OrdinanceBudget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2024 Ordinance adopting the FY 2024 Annual Budget for the Village of Lombard in the amount of $131,768,435 for the period January 1, 2024 through December 31, 2024.passed on first readingPass Action details Video Video
230302 2B.Ordinance Providing for the Levy and Assessment of Taxes for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2023 for the Village of LombardOrdinanceOrdinance Providing for the Levy and Assessment of Taxes for the Fiscal Year beginning January 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2023 for the Village of Lombard Providing for the levy and assessment of taxes for the fiscal year beginning January 1, 2023 and ending December 31, 2023 in the amount of $11,788,323.00. For the owner of a $300,000 house, the increase will be approximately $29.31. The Finance and Administration Committee voted unanimously to recommend the statutorily permissible 2023 tax levy to the President and the Board of Trustees.passed on second readingPass Action details Video Video