Meeting Name: Village Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/2/2006 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board Room - Village Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Published minutes: Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
060096 0 Good Neighbor Award - Tarra Engler Presentation*Good Neighbor Award - Tarra Engler    Action details Not available
060097 0 Proclamation - Certified Athletic Trainers Month Proclamation*Proclamation - Certified Athletic Trainers Month    Action details Not available
060076 0 Approval of Accounts Payable Payroll/Accounts PayableA. Approval of Accounts Payable Approval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending February 17, 2006 in the amount of $146,040.18. approvedPass Action details Not available
060091 0 Approval of Village Payroll Payroll/Accounts PayableB. Approval of Village Payroll Approval of the Village Payroll for the period ending February 18, 2006 in the amount of $708,064.49. approvedPass Action details Not available
060092 0 Approval of Accounts Payable Payroll/Accounts PayableC. Approval of Accounts Payable Approval of the Accounts Payable in the amount of $625,655.13 for the period ending February 24, 2006. approvedPass Action details Not available
050694 0 View Street, Charlotte-Main - Request for Traffic ControlOrdinance D. Recommendation of the Transportation and Safety Committee - View and Charlotte (Ordinance on Second Reading) Recommendation of the Transportation and Safety Committee to install a four-way stop at the intersection of View and Charlotte. (DISTRICT #4)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050654 0 PC 05-42: 218 and 226 West. St. Charles RoadOrdinance E. PC 05-42: 218 and 226 West. St. Charles Road (3 Ordinances on Second Reading) (Continued from February 2, 2006) Requests that the following actions be taken on the subject property: A. For the property at 218 West St. Charles Road: 1. Approve an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Map to designate the property for Community Commercial uses within the Central Business District area; and 2. Approve a map amendment rezoning the property from the R6 Central Residence District to the B5 Central Business District. B. For the properties at 218 and 226 West St. Charles Road (i.e., the Subject Property): 1. Approve a conditional use for a planned development with the following variations and deviations: a. A deviation from Section 155.416 (G) to the Zoning Ordinance to allow for a maximum building height of fifty-two feet (to provide for an architectural tower element), where a maximum of forty-five feet (45') is permitted; b. A deviation from Section 155.416 (J) and variations from Sections 155.508 (C)(6)(a) and (b) of the Zoning Ordinance to allow for awaiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
060017 0 PC 06-04: 300 E. Roosevelt RoadOrdinanceE. PC 06-04: 300 E. Roosevelt Road (Ordinance on Second Reading) Requests that the Village take the following actions within the B4 Corridor Commercial Shopping District: 1. Grant a conditional use, pursuant to Section 155.415 (C) of the Zoning Ordinance, to allow for drive-through services; 2. Grant a variation from Section 153.211(F) and Section 153.241 (F) of the Sign Ordinance to allow for wall signs to be displayed in conjunction with awning signs; 3. Grant a variation from Section 153.506 (B) (19) (a) (2) of the Sign Ordinance to allow a variation for five (5) wall signs; and 4. Approval of a Major Plat of Resubdivision. (DISTRICT #6)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
060074 0 PC 06-06: 844 E. Roosevelt RoadOrdinanceF. PC 06-06: 844 E. Roosevelt Road (Ordinance on Second Reading) Requests approval of the following actions on the subject property located within the B3 Community Shopping District: 1. An amendment to Ordinance 5242 which granted approval of a conditional use for a drive-through establishment/service associated with a fast-food restaurant; and 2. A variation from Section 153.505(B)(6)(c)(2) of the Lombard Sign Ordinance to allow for a free-standing sign to be located closer than seventy-five feet from the center line of the Roosevelt Road state right-of-way. (DISTRICT #6)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
060093 0 11-21 E. St. Charles Road and portion of 29-37 E. St. Charles RoadOrdinance H. 11-37 E. St. Charles Road - First Amendment to the Redevelopment Agreement (Waiver of First Requested) Ordinance authorizing a First Amendment to the Redevelopment Agreement between the Village of Lombard and New Urban Lombard, LLC with regard to the East St. Charles Road Condominium Development. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading. (DISTRICT #4)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
060014 0 PC 06-01: 7-37 E. St. Charles RoadOrdinance I. PC 06-01: 7-37 E. St. Charles Road (Ordinance on Second Reading) (Tabled February 16, 2006) Requests approval of a conditional use for a planned development, with a deviation from Section 155.416 (G) of the Zoning Ordinance to allow for an increase in building height to fifty-six feet (56') for a clock tower, where a maximum building height of forty-five feet (45') is permitted; all located within the B5 Central Business District. (DISTRICT #4)passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
060058 0 BOT 06-06: 7-37 E. St. Charles RoadOrdinance BOT 06-06: 7-37 E. St. Charles Road (Waiver of First Requested)(Tabled February 16, 2006) Ordinance granting a variation of the Lombard Code of Ordinances Chapter 50; Section 50.026 "Prohibited Connections" relative to the property located at 7-37 E. St. Charles Road. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading. (DISTRICT #4)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
060077 0 ZBA 06-02: 44 S. Columbine AvenueOrdinance K. ZBA 06-02: 44 S. Columbine Avenue (Waiver of First Requested and Waiver of Fees) Requests a variation to Section 155.415(F)(4) to reduce the rear yard setback from thirty-five feet (35') to five feet (5') to allow for the construction of a deck over three feet (3') above average grade in the R2 Single Family Residential District. The petitioner is requesting a waiver of first reading and a waiver of fees. (DISTRICT #1)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
060078 0 ZBA 06-03: 121 N. Lincoln AvenueOrdinance L. ZBA 06-03: 121 N. Lincoln Avenue (Waiver of First Requested) Requests a variation to Section 155.415(F)(1) to reduce the front yard setback from thirty feet (30') to twenty-three and one half feet (23.5') to allow the construction of a front porch on an existing legal non-conforming residence in the R2 Single Family Residential District. The petitioner is requesting a waiver of first reading. (DISTRICT #1)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
060079 0 ZBA 06-04: 935 E. St. Charles RoadOrdinance M. ZBA 06-04: 935 E. St. Charles Road (Waiver of First Requested) Requests that the Village amend the conditions of approval associated with Ordinance 5508 that granted approval of variations to the minimum lot area and rear yard setback for the subject property located within the B4 Corridor Commercial Zoning District. The petitioner and staff are requesting a waiver of first reading. (DISTRICT #5)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
060082 0 DuPage Water Commission Joint Meeting (Resolution)Resolution N. DuPage Water Commission Joint Meeting (Resolution) Resolution authorizing representative attendance at a Joint Meeting of the DuPage Water Commission Charter customers. adoptedPass Action details Not available
060086 0 South Broadway (East Of Chase) Resident EngineeringResolution O. South Broadway Improvements (East of Chase) - Resident Engineering (Resolution) Resolution authorizing an Agreement with Christopher B. Burke Engineering Ltd. in the amount of $114,917.88 for resident engineering services related to the South Broadway (East of Chase) project. (DISTRICT #5)adoptedPass Action details Not available
060088 0 200 E. Roosevelt Road - Memorandum of Agreement for Issuance of Industrial Revenue BondsResolution P. 200 E. Roosevelt Road - Memorandum of Agreement for Issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds (Resolution) Resolution authorizing the Execution of a Memorandum of Agreement relative to the issuance of Industrial Revenue Bonds in an amount not to exceed $12 million for the National University of Health Sciences. (DISTRICT #6)adoptedPass Action details Not available
060083 0 PC Purchase Waiver of Bids requested.RequestQ. PC Purchase (Waiver of Bids) Request for a waiver of bids and award of a contract to Dell in an amount not to exceed $66,356.50 for the purchase of 50 PC's that includes a four-year on-site warranty. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply. approvedPass Action details Not available
060087 0 Yorktown Water Main Phase IIRequestR. Yorktown Water Main - Phase II Award of a contract to J. Congdon Sewer Service, Inc., the lowest responsible bid of eleven bidders, in the amount of $1,575,890.50 for the Yorktown Water Main Phase II contract. Bid in compliance with Public Act 85-1295. (DISTRICT #3)approvedPass Action details Not available
060090 0 Water Valve Exercising BidRequestS. Water Valve Exercising Project Award of a contract to Wachs Utility Services LLC, the lowest responsible bid of two bidders, in the amount of $19,250.00 for Water Valve Exercising Project. Bid in compliance with Public Act 85-1295.approvedPass Action details Not available
060095 0 Replacement of fire station alerting equipment (waiver of bids)RequestT. Station Alerting System (Waiver of Bids) Request for a waiver of bids and award of a contract to Mercury Systems in the amount of $35,137.17 for the purchase and installation of station alerting equipment. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply. approvedPass Action details Not available
060084 0 FY 2006-2008 Resident Engineering Short-ListRequestU. FY 2007 and 2008 Resident Engineering Short-list Request to approve a list of six firms out of a possible eleven that have been determined to be the best qualified to perform resident engineering services for the Village of Lombard in FY 2006-2008. approvedPass Action details Not available
060089 0 Authorization for Village Mgr. to sign cell phone agreementRequestV. Sprint/Nextel Agreement Motion authorizing the Village Manager to execute of an Agreement with Sprint/Nextel for cellular phone services for the Village. approvedPass Action details Not available
060060 0 Grant Application from the Lilac Parade CommitteeRequestRecommendation of Community Promotion & Tourism Committee - Grant for Lilac Parade Committee Recommendation of the Community Promotion & Tourism Committee approving a grant request for $30,000 from Hotel/Motel Funds for costs associated with the 2006 Lilac Parade. approvedPass Action details Not available
060067 0 Grant Application from the Lombard Garden Club for 2006 Lilac Bush ProgramRequestRecommendation of Community Promotion & Tourism Committee - Grant for Lombard Garden Club 2006 Recommendation from the Community Promotion & Tourism Committee approving a grant request for $6,000 from Hotel/Motel Funds for costs associated with the Lilac Bush Program. approvedPass Action details Not available
060062 0 Grant Application from the Taste of Lombard, Inc. for 2006 Taste of LombardRequestRecommendation of Community Promotion & Tourism Committee - Taste of Lombard Recommendation of the Community Promotion & Tourism Committee approving a request from the Lombard Jaycees in an amount not to exceed $25,000 from Hotel/Motel Funds for the fireworks display at the Taste of Lombard. motion  Action details Not available