Meeting Name: Village Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/16/2006 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board Room - Village Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Published minutes: Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
060050 0 BOT 06-06: 7-37 E. St. Charles RoadA Public Hearing BOT 06-06: 7-37 E. St. Charles Road A Public Hearing relative to a variation to provide relief from the Lombard Code of Ordinances Chapter 50 "Combined Water and Sewer System", Section 50.026 "Prohibited Connections" relative to the property located at 7-37 E. St. Charles Road. (DISTRICT #4)   Action details Not available
060051 0 Recognition - John Loebach and Rick Mahal Presentation*Recognition - John Loebach, Rick Mahal and Bob Brunton    Action details Not available
060073 0 Proclamation - Cub Scout Pack 40 Day Proclamation*Proclamation - Cub Scout Pack 40 Day    Action details Not available
060075 0 Proclamation - Lexington Proclamation*Proclamation - Lexington Square Retirement Community Anniversary    Action details Not available
060046 0 Approval of Acconts Payable Payroll/Accounts PayableA. Approval of Accounts Payable Approval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending February 3, 2006 in the amount of $312,733.45.approvedPass Action details Not available
060063 0 Approval of Village PayrollPayroll/Accounts PayableB. Approval of Village Payroll Approval of the Village Payroll for the period ending February 4, 2006 in the amount of $739,424.24.approvedPass Action details Not available
060064 0 Approval of Accounts Payable Payroll/Accounts PayableC. Approval of Accounts Payable Approval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending February 10, 2006 in the amount of $105,010.01. approvedPass Action details Not available
060018 0 ZBA 06-01: 151 E. Berkshire AvenueOrdinance D. ZBA 06-01: 151 E. Berkshire Avenue (Waiver of First Requested) Requests a variation to Section 155.415(F)(2) to reduce the corner side yard setback from twenty feet (20') to six feet (6') to allow for the construction of a roof over an entry stoop on an existing legal non-conforming structure in the R2 Single Family Residential District. The petitioner is requesting a waiver of first reading. (DISTRICT #4)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
060048 0 141 W. St. Charles Road, Units C & DResolution 141 W. St. Charles Road, Units C & D - Downtown Restaurant Forgivable Loan Program (Resolution) Resolution authorizing the signatures of the Village Manager and Director of Community Development on an Agreement Authorizing the Reimbursement of Funds for a Downtown Restaurant Forgivable Loan in an amount not to exceed $100,000. (DISTRICT #1)adoptedPass Action details Not available
060047 0 Property Tax Abatement - Special Service Area #6 (Waiver of First requested)Ordinance F. Ordinance Providing for the Abatement of a Portion of the 2005 Property Tax Levy of the Village of Lombard Special Service Area #6 (Waiver of First Requested) Ordinance providing for the abatement of a portion of the 2005 property tax levy of the Village of Lombard Special Services Area #6 in the amount of $51,420. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading. waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
060058 0 BOT 06-06: 7-37 E. St. Charles RoadOrdinance BOT 06-06: 7-37 E. St. Charles Road (Waiver of First Requested)(Tabled February 16, 2006) Ordinance granting a variation of the Lombard Code of Ordinances Chapter 50; Section 50.026 "Prohibited Connections" relative to the property located at 7-37 E. St. Charles Road. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading. (DISTRICT #4)tabledPass Action details Not available
060025 0 SA 213B West Road RE Amendment No. 1Resolution G. Special Assessment 213B Resident Engineering Amendment #1 (Resolution) (Tabled March 16, 2006) Resolution approving Amendment No. 1 to the contract with Burns & McDonnell in the amount of $35,651.04 for resident engineering services related to Special Assessment 213B (West Road - St. Charles Road to Woodland Avenue). (DISTRICT #1)tabledPass Action details Not available
060039 0 FY 2005 Sewer Televising Program Change Order No. 1Resolution I. 2005 Sewer Televising Program Change Order #1 (Resolution) Resolution authorizing Change Order No. 1 to the contract with A-K Underground extending the contract to May 31, 2006 at the current prices. adoptedPass Action details Not available
060057 0 North Broadway Improvements, Change Order No. 4Resolution J. North Broadway Improvement Contract Change Order #4 (Resolution) Resolution approving Change Order No. 4 to the contract with Glenbrook Excavating reflecting a decrease of $83,274.18 representing the final as-built conditions for the North Broadway Improvements Project. (DISTRICT #5)adoptedPass Action details Not available
060065 0 Interagency Agreement - Purchase and Installation of Advanced Fingerprint Technology (Resolution)Resolution K. Interagency Agreement - Purchase and Installation of Advanced Fingerprint Technology Equipment (Resolution) Resolution approving an Interagency Agreement with the Illinois Criminal Justice Information Authority for 75% funding for the purchase and installation of new Motorola Livescan Fingerprint equipment. adoptedPass Action details Not available
060014 0 PC 06-01: 7-37 E. St. Charles RoadOrdinance I. PC 06-01: 7-37 E. St. Charles Road (Ordinance on Second Reading) (Tabled February 16, 2006) Requests approval of a conditional use for a planned development, with a deviation from Section 155.416 (G) of the Zoning Ordinance to allow for an increase in building height to fifty-six feet (56') for a clock tower, where a maximum building height of forty-five feet (45') is permitted; all located within the B5 Central Business District. (DISTRICT #4)tabledPass Action details Not available
060052 0 Appointment - Transportation & Safety Committee AppointmentM. Appointment - Transportation & Safety Committee Request for concurrence in the appointment of Jean Nolan to the Transportation & Safety Committee to fill a vacancy until 2007 created by the resignation of Art Kuehl. approvedPass Action details Not available
060054 0 Appointment - Public Works CommitteeAppointmentN. Appointment - Public Works Committee Request for concurrence in the appointment of Art Kuehl to the Public Works Committee until 2007 created by the resignation of Rick Mahal. approvedPass Action details Not available
060053 0 South Broadway (East Of Chase)RequestO. South Broadway East of Chase Reconstruction Award of a contract to M.Q. Construction Company, the lowest responsible bid of five bidders, in the amount of $1,183,748.65 for the South Broadway (East of Chase) contract. Bid in compliance with Public Act 85-1295. (DISTRICT #5)approvedPass Action details Not available
050745 0 Grant Application from the Lombard Park District for 2006 Lilac Time FestivalRequestP. Recommendation of Hotel/Motel Committee - Grant Application for Lombard Park District for 2006 Lilac Time Festival Recommendation from the Hotel/Motel Committee approving a request for a $10,937.18 grant for costs associated with advertising for 2006 Lilac Time. The Committee recommended approval of a grant not to exceed $12,000. approvedPass Action details Not available
050747 0 Grant Award Request from the Lombard Park District for Block Party WagonRequestQ. Recommendation of Hotel/Motel Committee - Grant for Lombard Park District Party Wagon Recommendation from the Hotel/Motel Committee approving a grant in the amount of $10,880 for the Lombard Park District for costs associated with acquisition of a fifth block party wagon. approvedPass Action details Not available
050711 0 ZBA 05-20: 609 E. St. Charles RoadOrdinance A. ZBA 05-20: 609 E. St. Charles Road (Ordinance on First Reading) (Tabled January 19, 2006) Requests a variation to Section 155.415(F)(1) to reduce the front yard setback from thirty feet (30') to ten feet (10') to allow for the construction of a bay window on an existing legal non-conforming structure in the B4 Corridor Commercial District. At the request of Trustee Florey this item appears on Separate Action. (DISTRICT #5)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rules as amendedPass Action details Not available