Meeting Name: Village Board of Trustees Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 7/18/2024 6:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Village Hall Board Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
240213 1A.Approval of Village PayrollPayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Village Payroll For the period ending June 15, 2024 in the amount of $1,013,406.28.approvedPass Action details Not available
240214 1B.Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Accounts Payable For the period ending June 21, 2024 in the amount of $1,020,575.60.approvedPass Action details Not available
240218 1C.Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Accounts Payable For the period ending June 28, 2024 in the amount of $1,210,986.62.approvedPass Action details Not available
240223 1D.Approval of Village PayrollPayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Village Payroll For the period ending June 29, 2024 in the amount of $1,017,970.19.approvedPass Action details Not available
240224 1E.Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Accounts Payable For the period ending July 5, 2024 in the amount of $1,662,724.94.approvedPass Action details Not available
240227 1F.Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Accounts Payable For the period ending July 12, 2024 in the amount of $383,727.89.approvedPass Action details Not available
240204 2G. OrdinanceZBA 24-02: 1144 E. Woodrow Avenue The Zoning Board of Appeals submit its recommendation to approve a variation from Section 155.212 to allow a partially covered deck to encroach into the rear yard setback on the subject property located in the R2 Single-Family Residence District. (DISTRICT #5)waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
240225 1H.Village Equipment to be Declared SurplusOrdinanceVillage Equipment to be Declared Surplus Ordinance approving the requests of departments to sell and/or dispose of surplus equipment as more specifically detailed in Exhibit "A" attached to the ordinance, as these items have extended beyond their useful life or are obsolete as follows: Fire Department: Two (2) K1260 Saws; One (1) K970 Saw; Six (6) K950 Saws; Three (3) Cutters Edge Chainsaws; One (1) Honda EU2000 with light; One (1) Honda EU1000 with light; One (1) Honda EU2000 without light; One (1) Honda EU1000 without light; Four (4) halogen scene lights; Three (3) hydraulic power units; One (1) misc. power cords; One (1) misc. Genesis tool mounting brackets; Two (2) Genesis Ram Tips kit; One (1) ResQtec Air Bag Control ki; tTwo (2) air bag hoses; Two (2) Genesis Combi Tools; Two (2) Genesis large spreaders; Four (4) Genesis small cutters; One (1) Genesis large cutter; Two (2) Genesis large rams; Two (2) Genesis small rams; Four (4) blue hydraulic hoses; Four (4) red hydraulic hoses; Five (5) Rabbit tools; One (1) exhaust fan; Three (3) battery exhause fans; Eight (8) wooden bookwaived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
240233 1H-2. OrdinanceCoin-Operated Amusement Devices - Lombard Roller Rink and Brauer House Amending Title 11, Chapter 110, Section 110.21(C) of the Village Code decreasing the number of Class A coin-operated amusement device licenses to no more than one (1) license. (DISTRICTS #1 and #3)waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
240188 1I.641 North Main Street Drainage Basin, Residential Engineering ContractResolution641 North Main Street Drainage Basin, Residential Engineering Contract Approving a contract with Thomas Engineering Group, LLC in the amount not to exceed $177,016.00 for Resident Engineering Services for the 641 North Main Street Drainage Basin Project. (DISTRICT #4)adoptedPass Action details Not available
240217 1J.North Avenue Pressure Adjusting Station Final Change Order No. 2ResolutionNorth Avenue Pressure Adjusting Station Final Change Order #2 Reflecting an increase to the contract with Burke LLC in the amount of $27,966.00. This Change Order includes supplying and installing a meter and a valve motor and deletes a dehumidifier which was part of the original contract. (DISTRICT #4)adoptedPass Action details Not available
240222 2K. ResolutionCruise Nights Parking Agreements Resolution approving parking agreements with AT&T and Egg House for use of their parking lots for the Cruise Nights Final Event on August 24, 2024. (DISTRICT #1)adoptedPass Action details Not available
240187 1L.641 North Main Street Drainage Basin Construction ContractBid641 North Main Street Drainage Basin Construction Contract Award of a contract to Lima Contractors, Inc. of Ringwood, Illinois, the lowest responsible bidder of fourteen (14) bids received, in the amount of $1,296,611.50 for construction of the 641 North Main Street Drainage Basin. (DISTRICT #4)approvedPass Action details Not available
240226 1M.FY2024 Bituminous Asphalt PurchaseBidFY2024 Bituminous Asphalt Purchase Request for a waiver of bids and award of a contract to K-Five d.b.a. DuPage Materials Company, in an amount not to exceed $206,000.00. DuPage Material Company (K-Five) has submitted the lowest cost per ton for surface material. This asphalt is for our in-house paving program. (DISTRICTS - ALL)approvedPass Action details Not available
240216 1N.Agreement with Tyler Technologies for Hosting ServicesRequestAgreement with Tyler Technologies for Hosting Services Request for approval of a one (1) year agreement with Tyler Technologies, Inc. in the amount of $105,485.07 (a 5% increase over last year) for 2024 application hosting services for financial management, utility management and human resources management.approvedPass Action details Not available
240228 1O.Hardware and Software Annual Maintenance/Subscriptioin FeesRequestHardware and Software Annual Maintenance/Subscription Fees Request for a waiver of bids and authorization of a three (3) year Agreement for the Neptune System Annual Maintenance/Hosting Costs and Subscription Fees with Water Resources in the amount of $107,947.60.approvedPass Action details Not available
240232 1P.General Release and Settlement of All Claims Anita Ferrero v. Village of LombardRequestGeneral Release and Settlement of All Claims Anita Ferrero v. Village of Lombard Request for concurrence of the Village Board in the proposed general release and settlement agreement in the matter of Anita Ferrero v the Village of Lombard, Case No. 2023 LA 001317, Circuit Court of DuPage County, Illinois.approvedPass Action details Not available
240168 2A. OrdinancePC 24-06: 855 E. Roosevelt Road - Creekview Plaza The Plan Commission submits its recommendation to approve the following action on the subject property located within the B4A Roosevelt Road Corridor District, to provide for the construction of a new principal building: 1. Amend the approvals previously requested through Plan Commission petition PC 22-05, and granted by Ordinance No. 8077, as follows: a. Preservation of the existing conditional use under Ordinance No. 8077, under Sections 155.103(F) and 155.417(G)(2)(a)(vii) of the Zoning Ordinance to allow a second-floor restaurant and banquet, including entertainment and dancing when conducted as part of the restaurant and banquet operations and secondary to the principal use subject to the conditions numbered 2, 3, 7, 10, and 11 (dining and banquet limit of 156) set forth in Section 14 of said ordinance. b. A new conditional use under Sections 155.103(F) and 155.417(G)(2)(b)(iv) of the Zoning Ordinance to allow for a drive-through facility. c. Elimination of the following conditional uses approved in Ordinance No. 8077 (Secs.passed on second readingPass Action details Video Video