Meeting Name: Village Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/7/2005 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board Room - Village Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
050132 0 Good Neighbor Award PresentationGood Neighbor Award - Vince Tosti   Action details Not available
050118 0 Proclamation - National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Month ProclamationProclamation - National Organ and Tissue Donor Awareness Week    Action details Not available
050119 0 Proclamation - Child Abuse Prevention Month ProclamationProclamation - Child Abuse Prevention Month    Action details Not available
050138 0 Proclamation - National Telecommunicator's Week ProclamationProclamation - National Telecommunicator's Week    Action details Not available
050140 0 Proclamation - National Preservation MonthProclamationProclamation - National Preservation Month    Action details Not available
050144 0 Proclamation - GFWC Day ProclamationProclamation - General Federation of Women's Clubs Day    Action details Not available
050134 0 BOT 05-02: Lombard Avenue Right-of-WayA Public Hearing BOT 05-02: Lombard Avenue Right-of-Way (Continued from April 7, 2005) A Public Hearing relative to a proposed variation to provide relief from Section 15-135.4 of the DuPage Countywide Stormwater and Floodplain Management Ordinance. (DISTRICT #1)continuedPass Action details Not available
050145 0 Proposed Budget HearingA Public Hearing Village of Lombard Proposed Budget FY 2005-2006 A Public Hearing for the purpose of hearing written and oral comments from the public concerning the proposed Village of Lombard Annual Budget for the Fiscal Year beginning June 1, 2005 and ending May 31, 2006.    Action details Not available
050111 0 Approval of Accounts Payable Payroll/Accounts PayableA. Approval of Accounts Payable Approval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending March 4, 2005 in the amount of $165,212.16. approvedPass Action details Not available
050120 0 Approval of Village Payroll Payroll/Accounts PayableB. Approval of Village Payroll Approval of the Village Payroll for the period ending March 5, 2005 in the amount of $688,836.22.approvedPass Action details Not available
050121 0 Approval of Accounts Payable Payroll/Accounts PayableC. Approval of Accounts Payable Approval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending March 11, 2005 in the amount of $273,764.27.approvedPass Action details Not available
050128 0 Approval of Accounts Payable Payroll/Accounts PayableD. Approval of Accounts Payable Approval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending March 18, 2005 in the amount of $479,809.86. approvedPass Action details Not available
050136 0 Approval of Village PayrollPayroll/Accounts PayableE. Approval of Village Payroll Approval of the Village Payroll for the period ending March 19, 2005 in the amount of $672,762.12. approvedPass Action details Not available
050137 0 Approval of Accounts Payable Payroll/Accounts PayableF. Approval of Accounts Payable Approval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending March 25, 2005 in the amount of $497,541.37. approvedPass Action details Not available
050146 0 Approval of Accounts Payable Payroll/Accounts PayableG. Approval of Accounts Payable Approval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending April 1, 2005 in the amount of $174,408.93. approvedPass Action details Not available
050124 0 PC 05-05: 610-690 East Butterfield RoadOrdinance S. PC 05-05: 610-690 East Butterfield Road (Ordinance on Second Reading and a Motion) 1. Ordinance requesting approval of a major change to a conditional use for a planned development and for an educational institution, as set forth in Ordinances 4362 and 4691. This petition will amend the approved campus master plan to provide for a new administration building located within the OPD Office Planned Development District. 2. Motion requesting a waiver of the Village's portion of the public hearing fees. (DISTRICT #3)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050126 0 PC 05-07: 1103-1177 South Main Street and 150 East Roosevelt RoadOrdinance T. PC 05-07: 1103-1177 South Main Street and 150 East Roosevelt Road (Ordinance on Second Reading) Requests that the Village take the following actions within the Lombard Pines Planned Development, located within the B3 Community Shopping District: Pursuant to Ordinance 5538, the petitioner requests site plan approval of new shopping center identification (SCI) signs for the Lombard Pines Planned Development, located within the B3PD Community Shopping District, Planned Development. For the Main Street pylon sign, this petition also requests amendments to Ordinances 2555, 4088 and 5538 and deviations from Section 153.234 (D) of the Lombard Sign Ordinance, as follows: a. Allow for a SCI sign to be up to thirty-three feet (33') in height, whereby twenty-seven feet (27') is the maximum sign height allowed, and b. Allow for an increase in overall copy area for a SCI sign of up to two-hundred forty-five (245) square feet, where a maximum one-hundred fifty (150) square feet is allowed by Ordinance 2555. (DISTRICT #6)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050084 0 ZBA 05-02: 322 E. Elm StreetOrdinance U. ZBA 05-02: 322 E. Elm Street (Ordinance on Second Reading) Ordinancerequesting a variation to Section 155.205(A)(1)(c)(2) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum allowable fence height in a corner side yard from four feet (4') to six feet (6') in the R2 Single-Family Residence District. (DISTRICT #4)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050085 0 ZBA 05-03: 1051 S. Stewart AvenueOrdinance K. ZBA 05-03: 1051 S. Stewart Avenue (Waiver of First Requested) Requests a variation to Section 155.406 (F)(2) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance to reduce the required corner side yard setback to seventeen and one-half feet (17.5'), where twenty feet (20') is required to allow for the construction of a single-family residence in the R2 Single-Family Residence District. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading. (DISTRICT #6)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
050110 0 Ordinance Restricting Commercial Vehicles in Municipal Parking LotsOrdinance V. Recommendation of the Transportation & Safety Committee (Ordinance on Second Reading) Recommendation from the Transportation & Safety Committee approving an ordinance restricting commercial vehicles in municipal parking lots. passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050108 0 Ordinance amending building permit feesOrdinance W. Ordinance Amending Title 15 - Building Permit Fees (Ordinance on Second Reading) Ordinance amending Title 15 of the Lombard Village Code with regard to building permit fees. passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050112 0 Increase Class A/B-III Liquor License - Claim Jumper Restaurant, 92 Yorktown CenterOrdinance X. Liquor License Request - Claim Jumpers Restaurant (Ordinance on Second Reading) Ordinance Amending Title 11, Chapter 112 of the Village Code increasing the Class A/B III liquor license category and issuing a liquor license to Claim Jumpers Restaurant located at 92 Yorktown Center. (DISTRICT #3)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050122 0 Alcoholic Liquor Code Amendments-BASSET Training ProgramOrdinance P. Ordinance Amending Title 11 - Alcoholic Liquor Code (Waiver of First) Ordinance Amending Title 11, Chapter 112, Section 112.40(A) of the Lombard Village Code with regard to the BASSET Training Program. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading. waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
050131 0 Ordinance Amending Title 11, Chapters 110, 113, 119, 120, 121 and 122 of the Lombard Village Code in Regard to Business Regulation FeesOrdinance Y. Ordinance Amending Title 11 - Business License Fees (Ordinance on Second Reading) Ordinance amending the Village Code providing for an increase in certain business license fees. passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050133 0 BOT 05-03: Stormwater Retention/Detention AmendmentOrdinance R. BOT 05-03: Stormwater Retention/Detention Amendment (Waiver of First Requested) Ordinance amending Title 15, Chapter 151, Section 151.55 of the Lombard Village Code with regard to Retention/Detention Basins. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading.waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
050142 0 PC 04-07: 309 & 315 W. St. Charles Road (Walgreens)Ordinance S. PC 04-07: 309 & 315 W. St. Charles Road (Walgreens) (Waiver of First Requested) Ordinance amending Title 5, Chapter 51, Section 51.02 of the Lombard Village Code with regard to prohibiting the use of groundwater as a potable water supply by the installation or use of potable water supply wells or by any other method. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading. waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
050151 0 Ordinance Amending Title 9 of the Lombard Village Code - Amusement TaxOrdinance Z. Ordinance Amending Title 9, Chapter 98 of the Lombard Village Code in Regard to an Amusement Tax (Ordinance on Second Reading) Ordinance amending Title 9 of the Lombard Village Code implementing an Amusement Tax effective June 1, 2005.passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050109 0 Special Assessment 218 (Grace & Fairfield), Change Order #5 (Semi-Final)Resolution U. Special Assessment 218 - Change Order #5 (Semi-final) (Resolution) Resolution authorizing Change Order No. 5 to the contract with the R.W. Dunteman Company reflecting an increase of $31,044.64 for work associated with Special Assessment 218 (Grace and Fairfield). (DISTRICT #6)adoptedPass Action details Not available
050123 0 Resolution Approving the FY 2006 - FY 2015 Capital Improvement ProgramResolution V. FY 2006 - FY 2015 Capital Improvement Program (Resolution) Resolution approving the FY 2006 - FY 2015 Village of Lombard Capital Improvement Program. adoptedPass Action details Not available
050135 0 Highway Authority Agreement, Shell Oil (935 E. St. Charles Road)Resolution W. Highway Agreement - 935 E. St. Charles Road (Resolution) Resolution authorizing a Highway Authority Agreement between the Village and Shell Oil Company concerning soil remediation at 935 E. St. Charles Road located in the St. Charles Road and Westmore Avenue rights-of-way. (DISTRICT #5)adoptedPass Action details Not available
050148 0 Health Insurance Agreement for BlueCross/BlueShieldResolution X. BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois Agreement (Resolution) Resolution authorizing signatures of the Village President & Clerk on an Agreement for BlueCross BlueShield PPO Health Insurance, HMO Illinois Health Insurance and HMO Blue Advantage Health Insurance.adoptedPass Action details Not available
050095 0 Ordinance Reducing Liquor License by One-AmeriSuitesOrdinance Y. Ordinance Amending Title 11 - Liquor Licenses (Ordinance on Second Reading) Ordinance Amending Title 11, Chapter 112 of the Village Code decreasing the number of liquor licenses due to ownership changes within the AmeriSuites Corporation, 2340 S. Fountain Square Drive. (DISTRICT #3)passed on second reading on the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
050141 0 2005 Cargo Van, Waiver of BidsOrdinance Z. Cargo Van (Waiver of Bids) Request for a waiver of bids and award of a contract to Northwest Ford and Sterling in the amount of $10,309.00 for the purchase of a 2005 Cargo Van, and a request for approval of an ordinance authorizing the sale and/or disposal of WM493. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply. waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
050139 0 State Joint Purchasing Requisition for Rock SaltRequestAA. State Joint Purchasing Contract for Rock Salt Request for approval to participate in the State of Illinois Joint Purchase of rock salt. approvedPass Action details Not available
050147 0 2004 Property Tax Levy Rate Reallocation ReportRequestBB. 2004 Property Tax Levy Rate Reallocation Report Motion concurring with the action by the Director of Finance regarding the Village's 2004 Property Tax Levy.approvedPass Action details Not available
050149 0 First Commonwealth Dental Insurance ContractRequestCC. First Commonwealth Dental Insurance Contract Motion approving the extension of the Contract with First Commonwealth Dental Insurance Company for one year.approvedPass Action details Not available
050143 0 Redevelopment of DuPage TheatreDiscussion*A. Redevelopment of the DuPage Theatre (Moved from X-A) Consideration of alternatives regarding the DuPage Theatre property. (DISTRICT #4) approvedPass Action details Not available
050090 0 Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2005-2006OrdinanceA. Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2005-2006 (Ordinance on Second Reading) Ordinance adopting the FY 2005-2006 Village of Lombard Annual Budget in the amount of $69,546,730.00.passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
050161 0 Resolution approving a Tax Rebate Agreement and a Letter of Credit Agreement in regard to the Convention CenterResolution *EE. Resolution Approving a Tax Rebate Agreement and a Letter of Credit (Resolution) Resolution approving a Tax Rebate Agreement and a Letter of Credit Agreement in regard to the development of a Convention Hall and Hotel in the Village of Lombard, DuPage County, Illinois. (DISTRICT #3)adoptedPass Action details Not available