Meeting Name: Village Board of Trustees Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/17/2016 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Village Hall Board Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
160110 1  PresentationQuarterly Lombard Town Centre Report Quarterly report presented by the Interim Lombard Town Centre Executive Director to the Village Board.   Action details Video Video
160102 1A.Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Accounts Payable For the period ending March 4, 2016 in the amount of $853,058.04.approvedPass Action details Not available
160113 1B.Approval of Village PayrollPayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Village Payroll For the period ending March 5, 2016 in the amount of $774,813.12.approvedPass Action details Not available
160114 1C.Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Accounts Payable For the period ending March 11, 2016 in the amount of $778,214.50.approvedPass Action details Not available
160071 1D. OrdinanceZBA 16-01 - 95 S. Columbine (IL Route 53) Requests that the Village grant a variation from Section 155.210(A)(2)(b) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance to allow a detached accessory building to be located in front of the principal building that is nearest to the front lot line. (DISTRICT #1)waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
160107 1E.Clark Forklift PurchaseOrdinanceClark Forklift Purchase Request for a waiver of bids and award of a contract to National Lift Truck in the amount of $21,620.00; and approval of an ordinance declaring Village unit WT557 as surplus equipment and authorizing its sale at public auction. Staff requests a waiver of first reading. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply.waived of first reading and passed on second reading with suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
160108 1F.Title 11, Chapter 112, Sections 112.02 and 112.12(A) - Alcoholic BeveragesOrdinanceTitle 11, Chapter 112, Sections 112.02 and 112.12(A) - Alcoholic Beverages Amending Title 11, Chapter 112, Sections 112.02 and 112.12(A) in regard to the Class "M" Restaurant Liquor License definition and description.passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
150380 5G. OrdinancePC 15-21: 611 E. Butterfield Road - Sam’s Club (Continued from January 21, 2016) Requests that the Village take the following actions on the subject property located within the OPD Office Planned Development District: 1. Approve a Major Plat of Resubdivision; 2. Approve a Map Amendment rezoning the entire property to the B3 Community Shopping District; and 3. Approve a conditional use for a planned development with the following companion conditional uses, deviations, and variations, as follows: a. A conditional use pursuant to Section 155.208 (C) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance to increase the maximum number of principal structures on a lot-of-record from one (1) to two (2) to allow for a gasoline sales facility; b. A conditional use pursuant to Section 155.415 (C)(9) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance for gasoline sales; c. A conditional use pursuant to Section 155.415 (C)(17) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance for motor vehicle service; d. A conditional use pursuant to Section 155.415 (C)(18) of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance for off-site parking; e. A conditional use pursuanpassed on second readingPass Action details Not available
150572 4H. OrdinancePC 15-23: 505-537 W. North Avenue and 715-733 N. Columbine Avenue - Time Extension Ordinance granting a time extension to Ordinance 7204 granting a conditional use and variations pursuant to Title 15, Chapter 155, Section 155.414 of the Lombard Zoning Ordinance. (DISTRICT #1)passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
150427 2I. ResolutionSam’s Club - Sales Tax Revenue Sharing Agreement (Continued from October 15, 2015) Recommendation for an Economic Incentive Agreement for a proposed Sam’s Club retail establishment to be located at 611 E. Butterfield Road. The Agreement provides for a net present value sales tax rebate, over up to a ten (10) year period, of up to $2,511,000. (DISTRICT #3)adoptedPass Action details Not available
160067 1J. ResolutionBluestone Single Tenant Properties Economic Incentive Agreement - First Amendment Resolution authorizing signatures of the President and Clerk on a First Amendment to the Bluestone Single Tenant Properties, LLC Sales Tax Revenue Sharing Agreement. (DISTRICT #1)adoptedPass Action details Not available
160082 1K.Fairview Lift Station Improvements, Final Balancing Change Order No. 3ResolutionFairview Lift Station Improvements, Final Balancing Change Order No. 3 Reflecting a decrease in the amount of $27,874.83 to the contract with John Neri Construction Company, Inc. (DISTRICT #6)adoptedPass Action details Not available
160086 1L.Human Resources ManualResolutionHuman Resources Manual Recommendation from the Finance and Administration Committee to approve the revised Village of Lombard Personnel Manual as amended effective March 2016.adoptedPass Action details Not available
160111 1M.Hill Avenue Bridge, Purchase of Environmental/Pollution Liability InsuranceResolutionHill Avenue Bridge, Purchase of Environmental/Pollution Liability Insurance Resolution authorizing the purchase of an insurance policy in the amount of $25,664 to fulfill the requirement of Nicor's Grant of Easement Agreement for the Hill Avenue Bridge project. (DISTRICT #1)adoptedPass Action details Not available
160008 2N. RequestLocal Tourism Grant Application 2016 - Lombard's Civil War Re-enactment Recommendation from the Community Promotion and Tourism Committee to approve a grant request from the Lombard Historical Society in the amount of $8,550 from Hotel/Motel funds for entertainment, supplies and advertising for the Civil War Re-enactment event to be held July 22-24, 2016 at Four Seasons Park. (DISTRICT #3)approvedPass Action details Not available
160118 1P. RequestHistorical Commission - Annual Report Request from the Lombard Historical Commission that the Village Board acknowledge receipt of the LHC 2015 Annual Report.approvedPass Action details Not available
160119 1Q. RequestVillage of Lombard Banner Program Approval of Bannerville, USA for the annual installation and storage of the Village of Lombard seasonal banners in the amount of $21,900.approvedPass Action details Not available
160120 1A-1.Ordinance Amending Title 9, Chapter 99 - Street TreesOrdinanceOrdinance Amending Title 9, Chapter 99 - Street Trees Requested for consideration by Trustee Foltyniewicz. This concept was not recommended for approval by the Public Works Committee when they reviewed the matter at their January 8, 2016 meeting.passed on first readingFail Action details Video Video
160007 2A. RequestLocal Tourism Grant Application 2016 - Lombard Ale Fest Recommendation from the Community Promotion and Tourism Committee to approve a grant request from the Glenbard East Boosters for $10,000 from Hotel/Motel funds for costs associated with the Third Annual Ale Fest to be held June 11, 2016 at West Parkside at Lilacia Park. (DISTRICT #1)approvedPass Action details Video Video
160009 2B. RequestLocal Tourism Grant Application 2016 - Spooktacular Recommendation from the Community Promotion and Tourism Committee to approve a grant request from the Lombard Town Centre in the amount of $2,150 from Hotel/Motel funds for costs associated with the Spooktacular Event to be held on October 16, 2016 at St. Charles and Park in Lombard. (DISTRICT #1)approvedPass Action details Video Video