Meeting Name: Village Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 5/6/2004 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board Room - Village Hall
Published agenda: Agenda Published minutes: Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
040132 0 Presentation of Medals of ValorProclamationMedals of Valor Presentation - Officers Steven Pokorny and Daniel Kelly   Action details Not available
040124 0 Proclamation - Municipal Clerk's Week ProclamationProclamation - Municipal Clerk's Week    Action details Not available
040133 0 Proclamation - Motorcycle Awareness Month ProclamationProclamation - Motorcycle Awareness Month    Action details Not available
040148 0 Proclamation - Lilac Time in Lombard ProclamationProclamation - Lilac Time in Lombard    Action details Not available
040126 0 Accounts Payable Approval Payroll/Accounts PayableA. Approval of Accounts Payable Approval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending April 16, 2004 in the amount of $318,593.28.approvedPass Action details Not available
040127 0 Approval of Village Payroll Payroll/Accounts PayableB. Approval of Village Payroll Approval of the Village Payroll for the period ending April 17, 2004 in the amount of $702,876.33.approvedPass Action details Not available
040128 0 Approval of Accounts Payable Payroll/Accounts PayableC. Approval of Accounts Payable Approval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending April 23, 2004 in the amount of $386,869.93.   Action details Not available
040146 0 Approval of Accounts Payable Payroll/Accounts PayableD. Approval of Accounts Payable Approval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending April 30, 2004 in the amount of $287,271.50. approvedPass Action details Not available
040114 0 PC 04-11: 340 E. Roosevelt RoadOrdinance P. PC 04-11: 340 E. Roosevelt Road (Ordinance on Second Reading) Requests that the Village approve a conditional use for an outdoor seating area for the subject property located within the B4 Corridor Commercial Zoning District. (DISTRICT #6)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
040115 0 PC 04-13: 208 to 230 S. Westmore-Meyers RoadOrdinance *C. PC 04-13: 208 to 230 S. Westmore-Meyers Road (Three Ordinances on Second Reading) The petitioner requests approval of the following actions: 1. For the property located at 208 S. Westmore-Meyers Road: a. Approve a map amendment rezoning the property from the B2 General Neighborhood Shopping District to the R2 Single-Family Residential District; b. Approve a 2-lot Minor Plat of Resubdivision with a variation to reduce the minimum lot width from 60 feet to 50 feet for each lot. 2. For the property located at 220 S. Westmore-Meyers Road, approve a map amendment rezoning the property from the B2 General Neighborhood Shopping District to the R2 Single-Family Residential District. As a companion to this request, the Village also requests approval of the following actions: 3. For the properties at 214, 226 and 228 S. Westmore-Meyers Road, approve a map amendment rezoning the property from the B2 General Neighborhood Shopping District to the R2 Single-Family Residential District. 4. For the property at 230 S. Westmore-Meyers Road: a. Approve an amendment to the Vpassed on first readingPass Action details Not available
040116 0 PC 04-14: 86-88 Eisenhower Lane NorthOrdinance R. PC 04-14: 86-88 Eisenhower Lane North (Ordinance on Second Reading) Requests an amendment to Ordinance 3439 granting conditional use approval for a food products manufacturing, processing and packaging establishment, within the I Limited Industrial District. (DISTRICT #3)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
040120 0 SUB 04-01: 303 W. Roosevelt RoadSUBH. SUB 04-01: 303 W. Roosevelt Road Motion requesting approval of a one-lot plat of resubdivision. (DISTRICT #2)approvedPass Action details Not available
040141 0 123 W. St. Charles Road (Park View Point) (Resolution)Resolution I. 123 W. St. Charles Road (Park View Point) (Resolution) Resolution accepting a fire suppression service line, domestic water service line, fire hydrant, valve vaults and sanitary service line for the Park View Point Development Project located at 123 W. St. Charles Road. (DISTRICT #1)adoptedPass Action details Not available
040051 0 ZBA 04-03: 310 W. MorrisOrdinance L. ZBA 04-03: 310 W. Morris (Ordinance on Second Reading) Requests a variation from Section 155.406 (F)(2) of the Zoning Ordinance to reduce the corner side yard setback from twenty (20) feet to sixteen (16) feet to allow for the construction of an unenclosed roofed-over front porch. passed on second reading on the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
030924 0 Ordinance Amending Title 15, Chapter 150, Adopting the 2000 International Code CouncilOrdinance M. Amendment to Title 15, Chapter 150 (Ordinance on Second Reading) Ordinance amending Title 15, Chapter 150 of the Lombard Village Code adopting the 2000 International Code Council (ICC) and certain other supplementary construction and maintenance codes. passed on second reading on the consent agendaPass Action details Not available
040122 0 Famous Dave- Liquor License ChangeOrdinance N. Liquor License Classification Change - Famous Dave's (Waiver of First Requested) Ordinance amending Title 11, Chapter 112 of the Lombard Village Code reflecting a change in the Class A/B liquor license for Famous Dave's 206 Yorktown. Waiver of first is requested due to time constraints. (DISTRICT #3)waive first reading, pass on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
040129 0 Salary OrdinanceOrdinance O. Ordinance Setting Rates of Pay (Waiver of First Requested) Ordinance setting rates of pay for Village of Lombard employees. Waiver of first is requested by staff. waive first reading, pass on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
040130 0 State Officials and Employees Ethics ActOrdinance P. State Officials and Employees Ethics Act (Waiver of First Requested) Ordinance amending Title 3 of the Lombard Village Code with regard to implementation of the provisions of the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act. Waiver of first is requested by staff due to time constraints. waive first reading, pass on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
040137 0 Ordinance Amending Title 11 - Coin Operated Amusement Devices (Waiver of First Requested)Ordinance S. Ordinance Amending Title 11 - Coin Operated Amusement Device Licenses (Ordinance on Second Reading) Ordinance amending the Lombard Village Code increasing the number of coin-operated amusement device licenses to six providing a license to O'Neill's Pub. (DISTRICT #4) passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
040138 0 Liquor License-Johnson's Door County Fish & ShrimpOrdinance T. Liquor License Request - Johnson's Door County Fish & Shrimp (Ordinance on Second Reading) Ordinance amending Title 11, Chapter 112 of the Lombard Village Code increasing the number of Class A/B I liquor licenses due to the annexation of 908 E. Roosevelt Road. (DISTRICT #6)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
040089 0 SA218 Resident EngineerResolution S. Special Assessment 218 - Grace and Fairfield (Resolution) Resolution approving a contract with V3 Infrastructure Services in the amount of $175,653.00 for resident engineering services associated with Special Assessment 218. (DISTRICT #6)adoptedPass Action details Not available
040135 0 Resolution approving Health Insurance ContractsResolution T. Agreement with BlueCross BlueShield of Illinois (Resolution) Resolution authorizing approval of an Agreement for BlueCross/BlueShield PPO Health Insurance, HMO Illinois Health Insurance and HMO Blue Advantage Insurance. adoptedPass Action details Not available
040136 0 Sale of Surplus EquipmentOrdinance U. Sale of Surplus Equipment (Waiver of First Requested) Ordinance declaring Village property (vehicles) as surplus and providing for their disposal at the DuPage Mayors and Managers Auction. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading due to time constraints. adoptedPass Action details Not available
040139 0 Telephone System, Change Order #1Resolution V. Telephone System Change Order #1 (Resolution) Resolution authorizing Change Order #1 to the contract with Greenwich Technology Partners in the amount of $27,874.00 for work associated with the telephone system replacement. adoptedPass Action details Not available
040140 0 105 W. St. Charles Road (Park West Ltd.)Resolution W. 105 W. St. Charles Road (Park West Ltd.) (Resolution) Resolution accepting a fire suppression service line, domestic water service line, fire hydrant, valve vaults and sanitary service line for the Park West Ltd. Development Project located at 105 W. St. Charles Road. (DISTRICT #1)adoptedPass Action details Not available
040142 0 IGA w/DPC re: IPP lightsResolution X. Intergovernmental Agreement - Ornamental Lighting (Resolution) Resolution approving an Intergovernmental Agreement with DuPage County for the installation of ornamental lighting on the Illinois Prairie Path. (DISTRICTS #1 & #5)adoptedPass Action details Not available
040143 0 MFT Resolution, Operating ExpensesResolution Y. Operating Expenses (MFT Resolution) Resolution authorizing the use of MFT funds in the amount of $925,800.00 for operating expenses for calendar year 2004. adoptedPass Action details Not available
040144 0 Main Street Underground Rehabilitation and LAPP Resurfacing Resident EngineerResolution Z. Main Street Utility Rehabilitation and Main Street LAPP Resident Engineering Contract (Resolution) Resolution approving a contract with Bollinger, Lach and Associates, Inc. in the amount of $107,814.92 for resident engineering services associated with the Main Street Utility Rehabilitation and the Main Street LAPP Resurfacing projects. (DISTRICTS #1, #2, #4 & #6)adoptedPass Action details Not available
040151 0 Resolution in Support of Illinois and DuPage County's Travel and Tourism IndustryResolution AA. Resolution in Support of Ilinois and DuPage County's Travel and Tourism Industry (Resolution) Resolution requesting the Governor to continue to maintain the budget for the Tourism Industry in the State of Illinois at its 2004 level. adoptedPass Action details Not available
040134 0 Pavement Markings and Sign Face (Waiver of Bids)RequestBB. Pavement Markings and Sign Faces (Waiver of Bids) Request for a waiver of bids and award of a contract to 3M in an amount not to exceed $30,000.00 to provide pavement markings and sign faces. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply. approvedPass Action details Not available
040145 0 CA6, Coarse Aggregate BidRequestCC. CA6 Coarse Aggregate Award of a contract to KOZ Trucking & Sons, Inc., the lowest responsible bid of six bidders, in the amount of $43,440.00 for CA-6 Coarse Aggregate. Bid in compliance with Public Act 85-1295. approvedPass Action details Not available
040123 0 RFP for Auditing Services (Waiver of Bids)Contract/RequestDD. Execution of an Engagement Letter with Lauterbach & Amen, LLP for Auditing Services Motion authorizing execution of an Engagement Letter with Lauterbach & Amen, LLP for auditing services for FYE 2004-2005 and FYE 2005-2006 with the option to renew for three additional years.approvedPass Action details Not available
040050 0 Spring 04 Educational Recycling GrantsRequestGG. Educational Recycling Grants Request for approval of Educational Recycling Grants for Lombard School District #44 in the amount of $6,500.00 and for Chicagoland Academy in the amount of $1,620.00. approvedPass Action details Not available
040150 0  RequestHH. 1 W. St. Charles Road (Proposed Tribute Park) Request for authorization from the Village Board for staff to waive the public bid requirements and solicit quotes for each component of the proposed Tribute Park project, not to exceed a total project cost of $68,000. (DISTRICT #1)approvedPass Action details Not available
040014 0 PC 04-10: 400-540 E. St. Charles Road (Neri Development)Ordinance B. PC 04-10: 400-540 E. St. Charles Road (Neri Development) (4 Ordinances on Second Reading) (Waiver of First Requested for TIF Agreement) (Resolution) Requests that the Village take the following actions on the subject property: 1. Approve an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan reclassifying the subject property from Community Commercial to High Density Residential. 2. Approve a map amendment from the B4 Corridor Commercial District to the R4 Limited General Residence District; 3. Approve a conditional use for a planned development with the following deviations: a. A deviation from Section 155.408 (D) (4) to reduce the minimum required lot area for an 80-unit multiple-family dwelling from 224,000 sq. ft. to 96,205 sq. ft.; b. A deviation from Section 155.408 (G) to increase the maximum allowable building height from 4 stories (50 feet) to 5 stories (51 feet); c. A deviation from Section 155.408 (F) (4) (a) and Section 155.508 (C) (6) to reduce the minimum required front yard setback from 30 feet to 2.67 feet for the western building and 4.67 feet for tpass on second readingPass Action details Not available
040107 0 Alley Vacation east of the 400 block of South Edson Street between Hickory Street and Madison StreetOrdinance C. Alley Vacation East of the 400 block of South Edson Street Between Hickory Street and Madison Street (Ordinance on Second Reading) Ordinance approving the vacation of an unnamed public right-of-way east of South Edson Street, between Hickory Street and Madison Street and granting a public utility easement over a portion of the vacated right-of-way. (3/4 Vote of the Trustees Required - 5 of 6) Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading. (DISTRICT #1)pass on second readingPass Action details Not available
040015 0 PC 04-09: 995 South Columbine Avenue (Sunset Knoll Park)Ordinance *D. PC 04-09: 995 South Columbine Avenue (Sunset Knoll Park) (Continued from April 15) (Ordinance on First Reading) Requests approval of a major change to the Sunset Knoll Park Planned Development to allow for a conditional use as referenced in Section 155.206(B)(2)(a)(1) of the Zoning Ordinance and a use exception from Section 155.508 (B)(3) of the Zoning Ordinance (Standards for Planned Developments with Use Exceptions) to allow for a 100 foot high personal wireless facility monopole located within a C/R PD Conservation/Recreation District, Planned Development. The Plan Commission recommended denial. (DISTRICT #2)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
030959 0 Illinois Prairie Path Crossing SignageRequestB. Illinois Prairie Path Crossing Signage (Continued from May 6th) Recommendation from the Transportation & Safety Committee to install signage and pavement markings at the Illinois Prairie Path Crossings at Westmore-Meyers and Main Street (to include a raised median at Main Street). (DISTRICTS #1 & #5)continuedPass Action details Not available
040110 0 Traffic Signal at Eastgate and HighlandRequest*F. Transportation & Safety Committee - Traffic Signals Recommendation from the Transportation & Safety Committee to install traffic signals at the intersection of Eastgate and Highland. (DISTRICT #3)approvedPass Action details Not available