Meeting Name: Village Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 4/5/2001 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board Room - Village Hall
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
010240 0 Approval of Village PayrollPayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of the Village Payroll for the period ending March 10, 2001 in the amount $596,272.70.approvedPass Action details Not available
010241 0 Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending March 15, 2001 in the amount of $674,279.53.approvedPass Action details Not available
010247 0 Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending March 22, 2001 in the amount of $259,861.67.approvedPass Action details Not available
010265 0 Approval of Village PayrollPayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of the Village Payroll for the period ending March 24, 2001 in the amount $597,929.85.approvedPass Action details Not available
010266 0 Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending March 29, 2001 in the amount of $143,526.99.approvedPass Action details Not available
010234 0 PC 01-05: 2010 S. Highland Avenue and 129 and 135 E. 22nd Street (Two Ordinances on Second Reading)Ordinance requesting approval of a rezoning from the R2 Single Family Residence District to the O Office District and an amendment to Ordinance #2742 for an existing Conditional Use to allow for a telephone transmission equipment building in the O Office District. (DISTRICT #3)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
010259 0 Recommendation to Accept Debit and Credit Cards for Village ServicesRequestof the Finance Committee that the Village accept debit and credit cards for Village services.approvedPass Action details Not available
990278 0 Request for "No Parking, 9am-3pm, School Days" on Lincoln between Harding and Harrison. (Ordinance on Second Reading)Ordinance to post the east and west sides of Lincoln between Harding and Harrison "No Parking, 9am-3pm, School Days". (DISTRICT #2)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
000387 0 Removal of "No U-Turn" Signs on Main St. & Highland Ave. (Ordinance on Second Reading)Ordinance to remove "No U-Turn" signs at various intersections along Main Street and Highland Avenue. (DISTRICTS #2 & #3)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
010111 0 Request for "No Parking" on Ash between Main and Lincoln (Ordinance on Second Reading)Ordinance to post the north side of Ash between Main and Lincoln "No Parking, 6am-9am, Monday-Friday, Except Holidays". (DISTRICT #4)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
010203 0 "No Parking" Request for 1005 E. Wilson (Ordinance on Second Reading)Ordinance to post the north and south sides of Wilson Avenue "No Parking" from the east curb line to a point 130 feet east. (DISTRICT #6)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
010242 0 Request for "No Parking Any Time" on the North Side of Harding between Main and Charlotte (Ordinance on Second Reading)Ordinance to install "No Parking Any Time" signs on the north side of Harding between Main and Charlotte. (DISTRICT #2)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
010243 0 Request for "No Parking Any Time" on the North Side of Grove between Main and Charlotte. (Ordinance on Second Reading)Ordinance to install "No Parking Any Time" signs on the north side of Grove between Main and Charlotte. (DISTRICT #4)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
010269 0 Appointments - Historical Commission and BOLIRequestfor concurrence in the appointments to the Historical Commission of Eileen Mueller to fill a vacancy with a term to May 2005 and Lyn Myers to fill an unexpired term until May 2004 and the appointment of Suzan Kramer to fill a vacancy on the Board of Local Improvements with a term to May 2003.approvedPass Action details Not available
010260 0 Liquor License-Tasha's Wine & Coffee Cafe (Ordinance on Second Reading)Ordinance amending Title 11, Chapter 112 of the Village Code revising the description for the Class "Z" liquor license. (DISTRICT #3)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
010258 0 Resolution of Opposition to the DuPage Water Commission Extension of Water Service (Resolution)Resolution of Objection opposing DuPage County's proposal to the DuPage Water Commission to be allowed a partial water application for its Green Road Subdivision.adoptedPass Action details Not available
010263 0 FY 2001 Sidewalk Additions Engineering Amendment No. 2 (Resolution)Resolution authorizing Amendment No. 2 to the contract with V3 Infrastructure Services in the amount of $9,844.87 for the FY2001 Sidewalk Additions project. (DISTRICTS #1 & #4)adoptedPass Action details Not available
010272 0 Amending Ordinance #4688 Regarding Special Assessment 213 (Waiver of First Requested)Ordinance amending Ordinance #4688 with regard to the paving and improving of portions of various streets in Special Assessment 213 as it relates to the interest rate charged to residents for their portion of the project costs. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading.waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
010273 0 Ordinance for the Sale/Purchase of $585,000 Special Assessment Bonds. (Waiver of First Requested)Ordinance authorizing an agreement for the sale/purchase of $585,000 Special Assessment #213 bonds and declaring said bonds a "Qualified Tax Exempt Obligation". Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading.waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
010214 0 Ordinance Amending Title 3, Chapter 36, Section 36.21 (Fees for Filing Plats of Subdivision) (Ordinance on Second Reading)Ordinance amending Title 3, Chapter 36, Section 36.21 of the Code of Lombard revising the fee structure for filing plats, correcting wording of the ordinance and deleting a section regarding charges for site plan review. (DISTRICTS - ALL)pass on second readingPass Action details Not available
010208 0 Street Lighting Maintenance (Waiver of Bids)Requestfor a waiver of bids and award of a contract to JRC Electric, Inc. in an amount not to exceed $70,000.00 for street lighting maintenance. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply. (DISTRICTS - ALL)approvedPass Action details Not available
010264 0 2001 Sewer Televising ProgramRequestfor the award of a contract to SURE International, Inc., the lowest responsible bid of two bidders, in the amount of $32,994.50 for the 2001 Sewer Televising Program. Bid in compliance with Public Act 85-1295. (DISTRICTS - ALL).approvedPass Action details Not available
010250 0 Proposed FY 2002 - FY 2011 Capital Improvement ProgramRequestto approve the proposed FY 2002 - FY 2011 Capital Improvement Program as submitted.approvedPass Action details Not available
010274 0 Annual Geotechnical Engineering/Construction Material Testing Contract (Resolution)Resolution approving a contract with Testing Services Corporation of Carol Stream, IL in the amount of 150,000 to provide geotechnical engineering, construction material testing and environmental engineering services to capital improvements projects administered by the Department of Public Works. (DISTRICTS - ALL)adoptedPass Action details Not available
010275 0 Addison Avenue ReconstructionRequestfor the award of a contract to Trine Construction Corp., the lowest responsible bid of seven bidders, in the amount of $2,010,500.00 for the Addison Avenue Reconstruction Project. Bid in compliance with Public Act 85-1295. (DISTRICTS #5 & #6)approvedPass Action details Not available
010276 0 FY 2002 Concrete RehabilitationRequestfor the award of a contract to King's Point General Cement of Addison, the lowest responsible bid of fourteen bidders, in the amount of $132,452.85 for the FY 2002 Concrete Rehabilitation program. Bid in compliance with Public Act 85-1295. (DISTRICTS #4, #5 & #6)approvedPass Action details Not available
010248 0 Educational Recycling Grant ApplicationsRequestfrom the Environmental Concerns Committee to approve two educational recycling grants for the Westlake Middle School and Glenbard East totaling $3,914.19. (DISTRICTS - ALL)approvedPass Action details Not available
010286 0 2000 Tax Levy Rate Reallocation Report (Waiver of First Requested)Ordinance authorizing the Village President to sign the 2000 Tax Levy Rate Reallocation Report.waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
010236 0 PC 01-07: 18W583 Roosevelt Road (Southeast Corner of Roosevelt Road and Westmore-Meyers Road) (Waiver of First Requested) (Continued from May 3, 2001)Ordinance PC 01-07: 18W583 Roosevelt Road An Ordinance authorizing the execution of an Annexation Agreement at 18W583 Roosevelt Road (2/3 Vote of Corporate Authorities Required). The petitioner is requesting waiver of first reading. (UNINCORPORATED)motionPass Action details Not available
010235 0 PC 01-06: 411 East 17th Street, 1717 South LaLonde Avenue and 1713 South LaLonde Avenue (3 Ordinances and a Motion) (Waiver of First Reading)Ordinance For 411 East 17th Street and 1717 LaLonde Avenue (Lot 35): 1. Ordinance authorizing an amendment to Ordinance 4888, relative to the Annexation Agreement for Brown's Subdivision. (2/3 of Corporate Authority Vote Required) 2. Ordinance amending Ordinance 4890 and Granting a Variation to Section 155.406 (F)(1) to reduce the front yard setback from 30 feet to 20 feet. For 1713 S. LaLonde Avenue 3. Ordinance granting a variation from Section 155.406 (F)(2) to reduce the corner side yard setback from 2 feet to 7 feet and variations from Sections 155.20 (A)(1)( c)(2) and (3). 4. A motion to approve an amended Plat of Subdivision. The petitioner is requesting waiver of first reading. (DISTRICT#3)motionPass Action details Not available
010254 0 Ordinance Amending Title 5 - Water & Sewer Rates (Ordinance on Second Reading)Ordinance amending Title 5, Chapter 50 of the Lombard Village Code with regard to water and sewer rates.   Action details Not available
010268 0 Budget Ordinance for Fiscal Year 2001-2002 (Ordinance on Second Reading)Ordinance adopting the FY 2001-2002 annual budget for the Village of Lombard in the amount of $62,603,665.00.passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
010257 0 Budget Transfer Ordinance (Ordinance on First Reading)Ordinance amending the FY 2000-2001 budget. The FYE 2001 third quarter report is also attached. (2/3 vote required.)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available