Meeting Name: Village Board of Trustees Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 2/7/2008 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Village Hall Board Room
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
080049 0 PC 08-03: 1022 S. Finley RoadA Public Hearing PC 08-03: 1022 S. Finley Road A Public Hearing relative to a proposed Annexation Agreement for the property located at 1022 S. Finley Road. (UNINCORPORATED)   Action details Not available
080043 0 Medal of Character Excellence AwardPresentationMedal of Character Excellence Award Request to nominate Jackson Middle School's Builder's Club for the Medal of Character Excellence Award.   Action details Not available
080059 0 Flag Presentation PresentationPresentation - Flag presented to the Village of Lombard on behalf of SSgt. John "Jack" Karol   Action details Not available
080068 0 Proclamation - burn Awareness Week Proclamation*Proclamation - Burn Awareness Week    Action details Not available
080029 0A.Approval of Accounts Payable Payroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Accounts Payable For the period ending January 18, 2008 in the amount of $181,346.49.approvedPass Action details Not available
080039 0B.Approval of Village PayrollPayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Village Payroll For the period ending January 19, 2008 in the amount of $753,620.60. approvedPass Action details Not available
080040 0C.Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Accounts Payable For the period ending January 25, 2008 in the amount of $638,792.41. approvedPass Action details Not available
080056 0D.Approval of Accounts Payable Payroll/Accounts PayableApproval of Accounts Payable For the period ending February 1, 2008 in the amount of $906,094.34.approvedPass Action details Not available
080031 0E.Ordinance Amending Title 9 - Ambulance FeesOrdinance Waiver of First RequestedAmending Title 9 With regard to an increase in ambulance fees.    Action details Not available
080038 0F.PC 08-02: 665 West North Avenue (Heron Point Office Center)Ordinance on Second ReadingPC 08-02: 665 West North Avenue (Heron Point Office Center) Requests approval of a use exception within a planned development to allow for a pharmaceutical establishment located within the Heron Point of Lombard Office Planned Development (OPD) District. (DISTRICT #1)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
080046 0G.ZBA 03-27: 25 E. North AvenueOrdinance on Second ReadingZBA 03-27: 25 E. North Avenue Granting an extension of Ordinances 5423, 5605, 5809 and 5995 relative to further extending the time period in which to start construction of the approved project at 25 East North Avenue for an additional twelve-month period. (DISTRICT #4)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
060677 1H.PC 05-42: 218-226 W. St. Charles Road (The Pointe at Lombard)Ordinance Waiver of First RequestedPC 05-42: 218-226 W. St. Charles Road (The Pointe at Lombard) Granting a further time extension (September 18, 2012) to Ordinance 5816, as amended by Ordinances 5973, 6141, 6327, 6374 and 6510 relative to the property located at 218-226 W. St. Charles Road. (DISTRICT #1)passed on second readingPass Action details Not available
070299 0I.DuPage County Natural Hazards Mitigation PlanResolution DuPage County Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan Resolution to adopt the DuPage County Natural Hazards Mitigation Plan. adoptedPass Action details Not available
080028 0J.Greenest Region CompactResolution Greenest Region Compact Endorsement of the Compact put forth by the Metropolitan Mayors Caucus.adoptedPass Action details Not available
080032 0K.Village's Purchasing ManualResolution Village's Purchasing Manual Approving the proposed revision for the Petty Cash section of the Purchasing Manual.adoptedPass Action details Not available
080044 0L.100 S. Main StreetResolution 100 S. Main Street Authorizing the signatures of the Village President and Village Clerk on a Parking Lot Lease. (DISTRICT #1)adoptedPass Action details Not available
080050 0M.Road Salt FY2008, Change Order No. 2Resolution Road Salt FY2008, Change Order No. 2 Reflecting an increase to the contract with North American Salt Company in the amount of $39,180.00.adoptedPass Action details Not available
080051 0N.Landscape Restoration FY2008, Change Order No. 1 Resolution Landscape Restoration FY2008, Change Order No. 1 Reflecting an increase of $17,850.00 to the contract with The TLC Group.adoptedPass Action details Not available
080057 0O.Obtaining Bids From Electricity ProvidersResolution Obtaining Bids From Electricity Providers Authorizing the Northern Illinois Municipal Electric Cooperative (NIMEC) to serve as the broker for the Village with regard to obtaining bids from electricity providers and authorizing the Village Manager to approve a contract with the lowest cost electricity provider.adoptedPass Action details Not available
080061 0P.Lombard Public Facilities Corporation - Amendments to By-LawsResolution Lombard Public Facilities Corporation - Amendments to By-Laws Approving a proposed amendment and an amendment to the By-Laws of the Lombard Public Facilities Corporation. adoptedPass Action details Not available
080052 0Q.Tandem Axle Dump TruckBidTandem Axle Dump Truck Award of a contract to Truck City, the lowest responsible bid of three bidders, in the amount of $280,947, for the purchase of two tandem-axle dump trucks.approvedPass Action details Not available
080025 0R.Grant Application From the Lilac Parade CommitteeRequestGrant Application From the Lilac Parade Committee Request for $30,000 from Hotel/Motel funds for costs associated with the 2008 Lilac Parade.approvedPass Action details Not available
080035 0S.SUB 08-01: 650 Springer Drive (Oak Creek)RequestSUB 08-01: 650 Springer Drive (Oak Creek) Requests that the Village approve a Major Plat of Subdivision. (DISTRICT #2)approvedPass Action details Not available
080045 0T.Lombard Town Centre - 2008 Letter of AgreementRequestLombard Town Centre - 2008 Letter of Agreement Request to approve a Letter of Agreement between Lombard Town Centre, the Village of Lombard and Illinois Main Street outlining the terms and conditions as it relates to participation in the Main Street program.approvedPass Action details Not available
080047 0U.310 S. Main Street (Prairie Path Villas)Request310 S. Main Street (Prairie Path Villas) Request to approve a Plat of Resubdivision/Easement Dedication. (DISTRICT #1)approvedPass Action details Not available
080048 0V.129 & 143 W. St. Charles Road (The Shops at Lincoln Place LLC)Request129 & 143 W. St. Charles Road (The Shops at Lincoln Place LLC) Motion authorizing the Village President and Village Clerk to sign an Assumption and Consent Agreement. (DISTRICT #1) approvedPass Action details Not available
080053 0W.Downtown Community VisionRequestDowntown Lombard Community Vision Motion adopting an updated version of the Downtown Lombard Community Vision as an official policy document for the purpose of guiding downtown development. (DISTRICTS #1 and #4)approvedPass Action details Not available
080058 0X.2007 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Management Letter and RecommendationsRequest2007 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Management Letter and Recommendations Motion to accept and file with the Village Clerk the 2007 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, Management Letter and Recommendations regarding the Management Letter Comments. approvedPass Action details Not available
080037 1*Y.PC 08-01: 1041 E. St. CharlesRequestPC 08-01: 1041 E. St. Charles Requests conditional use approval for contractor construction offices, shops and yard within the B4 Corridor Commercial District. Concur with the findings, determinations and recommendations of the Plan Commission to deny the petition for conditional use, as well as the findings, determinations and recommendations of the January 28, 2008 and February 18, 2008 Interdepartmental Review Reports, adopting all said findings, determinations and recommendations. (DISTRICT #5)   Action details Not available
080037 0 PC 08-01: 1041 E. St. CharlesRequestPC 08-01: 1041 E. St. Charles Requests conditional use approval for contractor construction offices, shops and yard within the B4 Corridor Commercial District. Concur with the findings, determinations and recommendations of the Plan Commission to deny the petition for conditional use, as well as the findings, determinations and recommendations of the January 28, 2008 and February 18, 2008 Interdepartmental Review Reports, adopting all said findings, determinations and recommendations. (DISTRICT #5)remanded to the Plan CommissionPass Action details Not available
080041 1B.PC 08-03: 1022 S. Finley RoadOrdinance Waiver of First RequestedPC 08-03: 1022 S. Finley Road Requests that the Village take following actions on the subject property: 1. Approval of an Annexation Agreement; (2/3 of Corporate Authorities Vote Required) 2. Annexation to the Village of Lombard; 3. Approval of a map amendment from the R0 Single-Family Residence District to the R1 Single-Family Resident District; and 4. Approval of a minor plat of subdivision with a variation from Section 155.405 (E) to reduce the required minimum lot width from seventy-five feet (75') to sixty feet (60'). (UNINCORPORATED)waived of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available