Meeting Name: Village Board Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 11/1/2001 7:30 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: Board Room - Village Hall
Published agenda: Not available Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #NameTypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
010755 0 Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending October 18, 2001 in the amount of $779,532.61.approvedPass Action details Not available
010769 0 Approval of Village PayrollPayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of the Village Payroll for the period ending October 20, 2001 in the amount of $636,760.39.approvedPass Action details Not available
010770 0 Approval of Accounts PayablePayroll/Accounts PayableApproval of the Accounts Payable for the period ending October 25, 2001 in the amount of $796,460.14.approvedPass Action details Not available
010741 0 PC 01-21: Text Amendments to the Lombard Sign Ordinance (Ordinance on Second Reading)Ordinance requesting a text amendment to the sign amortization schedule established in Section 153.302 (G) of the Lombard Sign Ordinance to remove the exception provision for lawfully existing signs constructed for the purpose of leasing space on the sign to provide information not related to a business on the premises of the sign (e.g. a billboard). (DISTRICTS - ALL)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
010754 0 ZBA 01-17: 322 E. Elm Street (Waiver of First Requested)Ordinance requesting a variation to the Lombard Zoning Ordinance to reduce the corner side yard setback to twelve (12') feet where 20 feet (20') is required to allow for a roof to be added to an existing open porch in the R2 Single Family Residence District. The petitioner is requesting waiver of first reading. (DISTRICT #5)waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
010761 0 Amending Alcoholic Liquor Code - BUCA di BEPPO (Ordinance on Second Reading)Ordinance amending Title 11, Chapter 112 of the Lombard Village Code regarding a corporate reorganization change within BUCA di BEPPO, 90 Yorktown Road. (DISTRICT #3)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
010764 0 Lombard Road Right-Of-Way Annexation (Ordinance on Second Reading)Ordinance annexing the western half of the Lombard Road right-of-way. (DISTRICT #1)passed on first readingPass Action details Not available
010760 0 Inter-Governmental Agreement with School District 44 (Resolution)Resolution approving an Agreement with School District 44 for the design and construction of drop-off lanes on Berkshire adjacent to Pleasant Lane School. (DISTRICT #4)adoptedPass Action details Not available
010765 0 Main Street Resurfacing (St. Charles - IL 38) Design Engineering Amendment No. 1 (Resolution)Resolution authorizing Amendment No. 1 to the contract with Civiltech Engineering in the amount of $13,756.00 for the Main Street Resurfacing (St. Charles - IL 38) project. (DISTRICTS #1, #2, #4 & #6)adoptedPass Action details Not available
010766 0 Main Street Resurfacing (St. Charles Rd. - IL 38) Supplemental MFT Resolution (Resolution)Resolution authorizing additional MFT funds for the Main Street (St. Charles Road to Route 38) Resurfacing Project. (DISTRICTS #1, #2, #4 & #6)adoptedPass Action details Not available
010767 0 Amendment to the Village of Lombard Financial Policies: Fund Balance and Reserve Policy (Resolution)Resolution authorizing adoption of an Amendment to the Village of Lombard Financial Policies regarding Fund Balance and Reserve.adoptedPass Action details Not available
010772 0 Ordinance Providing for Supplemental Act Assessment Bonds (Special Assessment 214 A & 214 B) (Waiver of First Requested)Ordinance authorizing and providing for the issuance of aggregate principal amount $115,000 Supplemental Act Assessment Bonds (Special Assessment Number 214 A), and a aggregate principal amount $140,000 Supplemental Act Assessment Bonds (Special Assessment Number 214 B), Series 2001. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading.waiver of first reading and passed on second reading under suspension of the rulesPass Action details Not available
010773 0 Ordinances Amending Ordinances #4942 and 4943 in regard to Special Assessment 214 A & Special Assessment 214 B (Waiver of First Requested) (Two Ordinances)Ordinance amending Ordinances #4942 and 4943 adopted March 15, 2001, in regard to the paving and improving of portions of various streets in Special Assessment 214 A & Special Assessment 214 B as it relates to the interest rate charged to residents for their portion of the project costs. Staff is requesting a waiver of first reading.pass on second readingPass Action details Not available
010686 0 Tax Levy Ordinance - Special Service Area Number Three - 800 E. Roosevelt Road (Ordinance on Second Reading)Ordinance levying and assessing taxes for Special Service Area Number Three for property owners served by the traffic signal at 800 E. Roosevelt Road. (DISTRICT #6)pass on second readingPass Action details Not available
01076 0 Parkside Railroad Fence and SidewalkRequestfor the award of a contract to Leahy Construction Company, Inc. of Winfield, the lowest responsible bid of seven bidders, in the amount of $74,346.00 for the Parkside Railroad fence and sidewalk. Bid in compliance with Public Act 85-1295. (DISTRICT #1)approvedPass Action details Not available
010757 0 Tree Planting for Finley/Crescent Detention Pond (Waiver of Bids)Requestfor a waiver of bids and award of a contract to Pugsley & LaHaie, Ltd., in the amount of $16,842.00 for the purchase and planting of 64 trees at the Finley/Crescent Detention Pond. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply. (DISTRICT #1)approvedPass Action details Not available
010768 0 Purchase of Light Poles & Luminaires (Waiver of Bids)Requestfor a waiver of bids and award of a contract to Tri-Star Supply in the amount of $26,957.00 for the purchase of light poles and luminaires. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply. (DISTRICTS - ALL)approvedPass Action details Not available
010758 0 Grant Request - Lilac Time Parade CommitteeRequestto approve a grant for the Lilac Time Parade Committee in an amount not to exceed $25,000 to be used for costs associated with the 2002 Lilac Time Parade. (DISTRICTS - ALL)approvedPass Action details Not available
010759 0 BP Products North America, Inc. Highway Authority AgreementRequestto enter into an Agreement with BP Products North America, Inc. regarding contaminated soils in the right-of-way at 4 E. Roosevelt Road (Main at Roosevelt). (DISTRICT #6)approvedPass Action details Not available
010771 0 Financial Update - Hotel/Motel Tax Fund Budget for FYE 2002Requestregarding cuts to the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund budget totalling ($120,735).   Action details Not available
010743 0 Parking Ticket Information Processing System (Waiver of Bids)Requestfor a waiver of bids and award of a contract to MVP Enterprises, LLC in an amount not to exceed $45,000.00 for a parking ticket information processing system. Public Act 85-1295 does not apply. (DISTRICTS - ALL)   Action details Not available