| 1 | A. | Approval of Village Payroll | Payroll/Accounts Payable | Approval of Village Payroll
For the period ending January 29, 2022 in the amount of $963,566.64. | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | B. | Approval of Village Payroll | Payroll/Accounts Payable | Approval of Accounts Payable
For the period ending February 4, 2022 in the amount of $982,451.05. | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | C. | | Payroll/Accounts Payable | Approval of Accounts Payable
For the period ending February 11, 2022 in the amount of $954,801.16. | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | D. | An Ordinance Amending Title 7, Chapter 71, Sections 71.15, 71.16, 71.18, 71.19 of the Lombard Village Code in Regard to Bicycle Locker Parking and Abandoned Bicycles | Ordinance | An Ordinance Amending Title 7, Chapter 71, Sections 71.15, 71.16, 71.18, 71.19 of the Lombard Village Code in Regard to Bicycle Locker Parking and Abandoned Bicycles
Approving an Ordinance relative to an amended program for the use of the bicycle lockers located near the commuter rail station and regulations related to abandoned bicycles. Staff is requesting a waiver of First Reading. (DISTRICT #1) | | |
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Not available
| 2 | E. | | Ordinance | Text Amendments to Section 150.317 of the Village Code Adoption of the 2018 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code.
The Board of Building Appeals (BOBA) recommends approval of the proposed amendments 150.317 of the Village Code adopting the 2018 International Swimming Pool and Spa Code. This change is recommended to recognize the change the International Code Council made to remove pool regulations from the International Residential Code and place swimming pools and spa codes in a separate code book. (DISTRICTS - ALL) | | |
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Not available
| 1 | F. | | Ordinance | Text Amendments to Section 150.030 of the Lombard Village Code - Building Code
The Board of Building Appeals (BOBA) recommends approval of the proposed amendments to Title 15, Chapter 150, Section 150.030, pertaining to “Construction Type Limitations” and related fire resistance of structural members as amended from the 2018 International Building Code. (DISTRICTS - ALL) | | |
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Not available
| 2 | G. | | Ordinance | Text Amendments to Section 150.035 of the Lombard Village Code - Residential Building Code
The Board of Building Appeals (BOBA) recommends approval of text amendments to the Title 15, Chapter 150.035 of the Lombard Village Code with regard to when fire sprinklers are required as well as the use of “TGI” and “Open Web” floor joist systems. (DISTRICTS - ALL) | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | H. | Adoption of Village of Lombard Zoning Map - 2022 | Ordinance | Adoption of Village of Lombard Zoning Map - 2022
Request for approval of an ordinance approving an updated Village of Lombard Zoning Map pursuant to State Statutes. (DISTRICTS - ALL) | | |
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Not available
| 1 | I. | 2020 Census - Trustee Redistricting Ordinance | Ordinance | 2020 Census - Trustee Redistricting Ordinance
Ordinance amending the geographical boundaries of the Village of Lombard Trustee Districts based on the 2020 census and discussion of the Village Board at a Special Meeting held on December 2, 2021. | | |
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Not available
| 1 | J. | 2021 Asphalt Paving & Patching Program; Final Balancing Change Order No. 1 | Resolution | 2021 Asphalt Paving & Patching Program; Final Balancing Change Order No. 1
Reflecting an increase of $15,011.68 to the contract with R.W. Dunteman Company. (DISTRICTS - ALL) | | |
Not available
Not available
| 1 | K. | Downtown Sidewalks East Improvement Project, Professional Design Engineering Services | Development Project | Downtown Sidewalks Rehabilitation Program:
Discussion and consideration of the Downtown Sidewalk Rehabilitation Program as a component of the previously approved 2022-2031 Capital Improvement Program. As this project is intended to utilize Tax Increment Financing (TIF) funds and such planning efforts have been shared with the ECDC in the past, Public Works staff is seeking concurrence with the Public Works & Administration Committees to proceed with the project direction. | | |
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Not available
| 1 | L. | Addendums to the Civic Center Rehab Project WA 18 03 (DISTRICT #6) | Bid | Addendums to the Civic Center Rehab Project WA 18 03
Request for approval to modify the Civic Center Reservoirs North (SOW2) and South (SOW3) to the Master Service Agreement with Utility Service Company, Inc to modify payment terms. There is no fiscal impact to the original contract as it is only a change in payment terms. (DISTRICT #6) | | |
Not available
Not available
| 3 | M. | Local Tourism Grant Application 2022 - Lilac Princess Program | Request | Local Tourism Grant Application 2022 - Lilac Princess Program
Approving a grant request from the Lombard Jr. Women's Club in the amount of $6,000 from Hotel/Motel funds for the Lilac Princess Program. The grant funds support the costs of the program and the scholarships. The program begins in March and ends May 15, 2022. (DISTRICT #1) | | |
Not available
Not available
| 3 | N. | Local Tourism Grant Application 2022 - Lilac Time Art & Craft Fair | Request | Local Tourism Grant Application 2022 - Lilac Time Art & Craft Fair
Approving a grant request from the Lombard Chamber of Commerce in the amount of $4,100 from Hotel/Motel funds for the Lilac Time Art & Craft Fair. The grant funds support the cost of Village services (Public Works, Police overtime and Fire Department) on the day of the event. The Lilac Time Art & Craft Fair is scheduled for May 1, 2022. (DISTRICT #1) | | |
Not available
Not available
| 3 | O. | Local Tourism Grant Application 2022 - Lilac Sale | Request | Local Tourism Grant Application 2022 - Lilac Sale
Approving a grant request from the Lombard Garden Club in the amount of $2,000 from Hotel/Motel funds for the Lilac Sale. The grant funds will be used to purchase lilac plants to be sold to the public. The event will take place May 5-7, 2022. (DISTRICT #1) | | |
Not available
Not available
| 3 | P. | Local Tourism Grant Application 2022 - Lombard Lilac Parade | Request | Local Tourism Grant Application 2022 - Lombard Lilac Parade
Approving a grant request from the Lombard Lilac Festival Parade Committee in the amount of $18,000, plus the cost of Village Services, from Hotel/Motel funds for the Lombard Lilac Parade. The grant funds support the honorarium paid to participants and general expenses of the parade. The parade will take place May 15, 2022. | | |
Not available
Not available
| 2 | Q. | Local Tourism Grant Application 2022 - Lombard Cycling Classic | Request | Local Tourism Grant Application 2022 - Lombard Cycling Classic
Approving a grant request from DuPage County Convention and Visitor's Bureau and Prairie State Cycling Series, LLC, in the amount of $9,000 from Hotel/Motel funds for expenses related to the fees associated with the event. The grant also includes up to $10,000 in Village services. The event is scheduled to take place July 26, 2022. (DISTRICT #1) | | |
Not available
Not available
| 4 | A. | | Ordinance | Text Amendment to Section 90-04 of Village Code - Backyard Chickens
The Economic and Community Development Committee submits its recommendation to approve an Ordinance granting amendments to Section 90-04 of the Lombard Village Code to strike the cap of 50 residential chicken permits in the Village (37 have been issued since encation of the provision in Spring, 2022) | | |
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Not available